Of Bunnies, Books and Boys: September 24 2024

Well that was fun. I got hit with a migraine at the end of the workday that made me very woozy. Migraines for me involve no headache, but a sparkling aura that takes over my vision. So like any sensible actifitter, I drank some water and went out for a walk.

It was an absolutely gorgeous evening. The water and some supplements had really helped the symptoms, and I was able to enjoy walking through local streets, waving at dog walkers and photographing this and that, like the local bunny population, the tree colors beginning to change for autumn and the plethora of Little Free Libraries.

And I have a funny story about that a little bit later in this post.

Here is one of the libraries I came across. They are everywhere in my area! I think it’s a wonderful program. In case you’re not familiar with Little Free Library, these are little boxes, usually shaped like a house, where people can leave books they have finished and pick up ones they want to read.

It is one of the “in between seasons” here. By this I mean the summer weather has faded but is not completely gone, and the fall weather and colors are just starting. Also, people are starting to put out Halloween decorations. So it’s not uncommon to see some lovely summer flowers, a tree turning yellow, and a creepy yard decoration all in the space of a suburban block. And yes I have pictures to prove it…. Ha ha.

Okay, I promised bunnies. And while I didn’t mention it in the title due the lack of alliteration with the other items, I also saw plenty of squirrels. Pretty much whatever direction you’re looking in around here, you will see one or the other. Sometime you might have to look closely to spot them in the following pictures!

Here are a few more pictures of gardens. It’s one of my favorite things about my area. Many people really work at making the areas in front of their homes attractive with beautiful flowers, garden decor, bird baths and wind chimes.

I’m not sure why, but fire hydrants and white fences seem to have captured my attention on this particular walk!

Another thing that is very common in my area is little play parks. Sometimes all they offer is a picnic table or two and a small stretch of lawn. Other times they have play structures, walking paths, basketball and pickleball courts, etc. On this particular walk I passed by and through a few of these.

And that brings me to the funny story!

So I was taking a loop around the walking path, and intended to take a picture of the Little Free Library to go with the others I had captured, since I thought they would make a nice collection for this blog.

And there was this little boy, shopping for a book! Right after I snapped this, he pulled down his pants and went walking around that way!


Thanks for reading!

Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

My bio: I am a fiction writer and photographer based in Minnesota. I have had a lifelong love of fiction writing. I earned my MFA in writing from the University of New Hampshire. My short stories have appeared in a range of literary journals and anthologies, and my first short story collection, Somewhere in Minnesota is available oun Amazon US as well as international Amazon sites., Barnes & Noble or from the publisher.


Want to know what I'm publishing and where? Visit my website, www.jaynalocke.com, or follow me on X, aka Twitter, at www.twitter.com/@jaynatweets or on Instagram at www.instagram.com/authorjaynalocke.

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