April 9 2021

Air Release Valve - Water Treatment Plant



Not much to share

Except my joy that the end of the week is here

Damn I'm tired
Cactus spines behind my eyes

I've cycled through the work days again

M - T - W - T - F

Shifting days at the Water Treatment Plant

Air Release Valve Handle detail in black and white because

And now an important message from the neural net trained on every word I've typed into my phone since I've owned it:


By about it a bit

Turns out they're one of the sludge plant for the month

Discharged sludge presses in the afternoon

I went for a walk around the neighbourhood after work

The night is mild not warm not cold

In temperature in temperament

Machine echoes from some of my previous Hive posts

I truly love machine learning as a source of entertainment

Like Janelle Shane's AI Weirdness blog

Cracks me up


So I've got a few interesting things planned for this weekend:

While my darling looks for a wedding dress tomorrow, I'm going out of town to a surprise birthday party for my brother

(Shit. I hope he doesn't see this...)

Then after that, on Sunday I'm driving a long way (5 hours) to spend some time with my mother

I've wrangled Monday off work so I can stay there that night

Which will be nice

Getting out of the city for a bit

To breathe

To think

To spend quality time with loved one


Before the party tomorrow I'm going to work on a project of mine...

Modifying an aquarium so I can add a sump and a biological filter

Be good to get that happening...

Takes a good seven days for the silicone to cure

Keep an eye out for some photos of that process tomorrow, probably!


Here's to you dear reader; know that I appreciate your attention and I sincerely hope you're enjoying yourself — whatever you're getting up to

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