My Actifit Report Card: September 27 2024 NHB Run #10: The Tunnel of Pain

I had originally planned to run the path of Perimeter Rd on Randolph Air Force Base but was turned away stating the gate I had planned to exit the installation was closed. I was listening to Dalton's queued up playlist in the NHB lobby at this time. There was discussion about candy and he stated he likes either sour or hot but not just sweet candy. I am a huge fan of sour and / or spicy candy. From Warhead back in the day to spicy sour belts that are very popular in the San Antonio area.

There is a company called Alamo Candy that has a store in the city and we will visit to stock up every now and then. I replied in the chat "Sour Candy Supremacy" and received a '^' of concurrence. Dalton, the host, came on the air, read my comment and said "So true". I continued on my run listening to his oldie and newer tunes.

After making my way back to another gate, I exited the base and noticed these slanting concrete slabs. They seemed to be suitable to perform slanted dashes as if I were Sonic the Hedgehog wall running at an incline. This put the traction of my shoes to the test.

At this point, I was making it up as I go as my original route was cancelled. I pondered how would I get acrross the busy highway and not end up as roadkill. Fortunately, yhe path was long giving me some time to contemplate. In the distance, I caught a glimpse of a dirt devil, a whirlwind, and scrambled to get a pic. You can see it in the leftmost portion of the bottom pic below. Unfortunately, it had disippated before I could get a good one or, better yet, a video.

Eventually, I reached a drainage ditch with the tunnel I posted at the top of the post. I was just curious at first but, after investigating, it seemed the tunnel gave me a clear shot to the other side of the highway which is where I needed to go. It was then I began the excrutiating and exerting duck walk down the tunnel.


I joked that if I possessed the stature of a hobbit, this would have been easy. At 5’9”, the tunnel was not quite high enough for me to stand. I felt my quadriceps cramping up a bit before the halfway point. I eventually reached the middle, which had an opening where I could stand for a much-needed respite.

After an arduous couple minutes, I finally reached the end of the tunnel and rejoiced! I was not in the clear just yet. On the contrary, I was in stickerbush country! One wrong step and my foot could be pierced by a thorn or even potentially a snake's fang. This was the time to be careful and walk slowly. ⚠️

After I cautiously paced across the long grass, I finally reached the road which was in a state of construction. Along the way, there was a bit of incompleted curb side that I used as an impromptu balance beam.

I focused on making it all the way without falling. Thankfully, none of the oncoming cars where pranksters as I imagine I would have lost it had they hit the horn. Eventually, I made it to the end and completed the home stretch.

The distance for today's run was 7.52 miles bringing our total to 54.72 miles. That is greater than the distance of two marathons each of 26.2 miles. CoPilot also mentioned that the calories that would be burned from such activity would be comparable to 10-14 Big Mac Cheesburgers from McDonalds. I'm down from 233 lbs to 223 lbs so sounds about right! See yall on the next run!

Thanks for stopping by! ✌️
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Aerobics, Jogging, Running, Walking

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