The Best Feeling | Actifit 29.05.2024

Hello and welcome! :)

I had a crazy day. At first I arranged with my siblings to go to the lake, but we all got an RCB Alert about an impending storm. After that it rained on and off every now and then, and each time the rainfall got heavier and heavier. Fortunately, after a while the sun came out and it got warm again.

We waited so long for nice weather that we only went to the lake in the evening, thinking beforehand that we would not be going after all. We only had one towel with us and very few things to change into, but we still spontaneously jumped into the water with our clothes on. 馃槄 It was the feeling I'd been waiting for since it started getting cold last year, so I'm glad it happened.

Stay tuned!

Witam i zapraszam! :)

Mia艂am szalony dzie艅. Na pocz膮tku um贸wi艂am si臋 z rodze艅stwem, 偶e pojedziemy nad jezioro, ale wszyscy dostali艣my Alert RCB o nadchodz膮cej burzy. P贸藕niej co chwil臋 pada艂o i przestawa艂o, a za ka偶dym razem opady by艂y coraz mocniejsze. Na szcz臋艣cie po jakim艣 czasie wysz艂o s艂o艅ce i zn贸w zrobi艂o si臋 ciep艂o.

Na 艂adn膮 pogod臋 czekali艣my tak d艂ugo, 偶e nad jezioro wybrali艣my si臋 dopiero wieczorem, wcze艣niej my艣l膮c, 偶e jednak nie b臋dziemy jecha膰. Mieli艣my ze sob膮 tylko jeden r臋cznik i niewiele rzeczy na przebranie, ale mimo wszystko spontanicznie wskoczyli艣my do wody w ubraniach. 馃槄 To by艂o uczucie, na kt贸re czeka艂am odk膮d w zesz艂ym roku zacz臋艂o robi膰 si臋 zimno, wi臋c jestem zadowolona, 偶e tak si臋 sta艂o.

Stay tuned!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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