Travel: Post COVID Panoramic Shot Tradition and someone’s errands between LA and OC?


Mid-COVID-19, this day is starting at 6:30 sharp. It's Tuesday and parking sucks for today. Everyone is poised for the street sweeper. The sound of the street sweeper approaching is a traumatizing sound if you've been ticketed. Imagine getting ticketed while living pay check to pay check. Image how it sounds if you live less than pay check to pay check. Maybe like the air raid life?

It’s been a long time since I visited the Downtown Los Angeles Fashion District.

Pre-COVID19 was the last time I featured DTLA in a post. The post is from April 12, 2019:

I've been here since then and I have continued my collection of panoramic window shots. I could have sworn I had a post about one other recent trip to DTLA, but maybe it's lost in the endless draft pile of endlessness.

All seems normal.

b82329d7-bfb4-43ca-ab25-31a7c8d38c9a First shots of the day features the glassy south end of the Cal Mart Building (California Mart). "Stupid bank side", is sometimes how I think of it. Lots of fashion history here. I like to find the relics. I'll let you know when I do. Last time I was here they were considering remodeling the north end...[/caption]


img_0420The California Mart is going to look very different for today's famous panoramic shot.

My potentially world famous and world renown locally famous panoramic shot!

We can see through the CalMart Building! No windows!


I've been doing this for 3-4 years. Maybe one day it will be interesting to see the city from this perspective. The tall blue building in the middle wasn't always there. That was an obvious gradual change. Less weed advertising in my older images too.


I can see lots of changes since COVID and the protests. Less pedestrians, less roaming, less cars, less small businesses, and the parking is very different. I see more graffiti. Some fun and some dumb.


I added my tag to it too. It's gonna get me a Lambo. This wasn't always here. The city doesn't usually let it get this far or allows it to be confined to the alley behind it. It's probably a hipster famous alley. Lots of cool stuff that I have featured in previous posts, Matt Gondek and stuff. Use this AWESOM link provided by


Deadpool is very famous in this area. Maybe it's one local guy. I'm sure they will claim it. Good luck with that ego. I see more construction in the immediate area. I hope these signs of construction are business pivoting. Lots of sociological eye candy.

Thankfully, I know nothing.


Get busy!

Do you recognizes the floor of this elevator? Let's take another look.


I used that square on the floor for the art theme on the 28 song Tetrahedroseph album called Jackie Lee Vs Bruce Chan Hip Hop Battle.


You NEED to buy that album if you have background music during live broadcasts. (NEED!)


I'm the cart guy today. I push the cart up and down the hallway today. It won't take long. #LiberateFreeMusic

Oh look it's the Apparel News office. I hope they are remote now. Seems like they just moved in. Lots of employee turnover EVERYWHERE.


The boarder-line good employees or non-right-hand man-enough are gone. Some of the most inherently loyal personalities I have come across are still here. It's nice to see familiar faces.

That's it. I'm out of here... oh wait it's still early...


Today we stopped at a locally famous place called Stumptown Coffee Roasters. In my little bubble head, they were one of the first to make a big presence on the local shelfs. First that I noticed going big and hard with canned cold brew and nitro coffee... blah blah crack crack and then all the satellites crash together and create a sand barrier. We'll be dead before that.

Anyway, it's a local business and the roast the beans. The best places in LA roast the bean in house. Not all of them are overpriced. Stumptown, I'm not sure. $6 for a 16oz Nitro cold brew seemed high, when compared to most chain places i've been to.

Don't hate me because I like a variety of coffee.


This area has fun murals and a delicious hotdog stop.
When people say gentrification and hipster. I think of this area. I blend in if you are not from around here. If you are from around here... you just moved in, or have been enjoying homelessness for while. To the "locals" I probably look like IDGAF. I fake like I care about their style and I just play the game as naturally as possible. I'm lucky.
This area had good pinball (before COVID-19). I can forgive many things where pinball is present. Hipster or whatever... the food in this area is usually good. Be yourself, just play pinball.

It's back.


Not as bad, but there are some spots. Honestly, I think this congestion was the result of a car accident. It's very, very lame to get zipped-up on a first serving of coffee just to sit in traffic. Better to nurse it. Let the ice water down the coffee.


Overall, the traffic conditions seem better since lockdown. Bars and long distance travel to a specific restaurants has slowed. Wtf did we need pizza from a nostalgic place in LA when you live in OC? Wtf did we need special beer from dickhead in OC when there is a trillion guys doing it between... okay, I take it back. It's part of the fun of living in LA/OC. The food is diverse and delicious. I know, i know it's special sometimes... sometimes.
I'll eat it all.


Skate Or Die/Poop Break

I snuck in a quick skate session on the friendly neighborhood ramp. I guess it's good to have kids around. They are good excuses to continue playing with toys... that's an awful excuse. Run away!

img_0501 I'm slowly getting better. I didn't try to drop-in today. I can't afford to go down. I did however make two SUCKessful fakies. That just going up and over the top tip about half way. img_0502

I wussed out on this one and the truck got caught on the lip.


This one too. I really need to mash down on the back tail more.


Inside turns are easier now. Outside turns are rough and dropping in feels kooky. Taking long break away fro this ramp was healthy. I could probably ask to use it more, but I don't want to impose... OR HURT MYSELF! It's great exercise, but the temptation to try risky shit is hard to resist. Where are the power-ups? I get to a new level and get free stuff, right? What happened. JK. It's time to go again.

Gas Before All.


It's not mine and at first I thought it was unnecessary in the city. It's not. It's a modern work horse. Utility AF, and lots of visibility. Steep driveways, and pot holes are nothing to thing. Tires are thick and hard to puncture. It's hard to park sometimes, but when you start to think of it as a large square, you'll be surprised what you can pull off. I'm talking about parking stuff.
The main thing to watch out for are the mirrors themselves. They are slightly larger than a person in a cross walk for about the first 4-6 pedestrian steps. Not good. Thankfully, I double check, co pilot or not. People will jump out into the city streets. Beware of 7th St in DTLA when the sun is in your eyes. I'm clean, but I've been worried about it before.


I have a small dick.

It's one of the best tour vehicles for LA/OC cities. Cruising around in a Lambo will limit your view to cement walls, the freeway, and red brake lights. You will also be followed unnecessarily close by clueless individuals sheltered by Instagram, nasty school, and weekend allowances of freedom. Your sports car Porsche fantasy will be hindered by potholes steep driveways and tight parking spaces. (By the way, parking sucks for everyone and everything, almost everywhere.)

I mentioned how good the food is, right? I know a donut spot worth traveling across town for.


Driving with my eyes closed is fun. I'm trusted to drive the truck sometimes. I've driven lots of different types of domestic cars and trucks. I want to drive more. I might start a bucket list, but it feels too expensive/luxry bucket list item to be casing down at this point.

I'm done, all is well, and it's time to head back to this pile of dirt...


I probably look rich after all this. I am. I also have giant tits. Therefore, purchase everything here, please, thanks:

Share Tetrahedroseph's music with a friend that you think might like it. Tell me about it and I'll give you and your friend a code to have the album, "Jackie Lee Vs Bruce Chan Hip Hop Battle" for free! 

I owe a few of these codes to lots of HIVE neighbors. I gotta find that sheet!


Thanks for all the support. Thanks for helping me celebrate the release of new reggae album. Thanks for your patience. Giggle a little and feel free to comment or ask dumb questions.

Have a nice experience on HIVE platforms.

Please support cleaners/anti-abuse HIVE neighbors that sacrifice themselves to maintain authenticity and more.

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Look Stats!Screen Shot 2020-09-05 at 2.09.49 PM


Video of this drive coming soon. Also look for a post about the next day. More about me and stuff that's not related to music, or steel drums, or ukulele, or #TheBrokenYellowGuitar, or complaining about everything. Have a nice day.

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