Mouse Catcher - How about Mouse for Dinner ??

It sounds strange to me at first, especially when you are in india, but I met few people at my village who were hunting down the mouse from the fields only to cook them for dinner. Or rather they like to have its meat along with evening drinks.


Our village is in tribal belt, with many tribal people living around the jungle areas. I heard that hunt down differrnt animals and birds for their meals, but mouse was something which really took me by surprise. But necessity make people to do many things and rightly so, these people were doing it not for fun but for their need. While the rate of chicken and mutton are sky rocketing, these people started to find a new taste I mouse.

They were carrying mouse traps, and already placed many in the farming fields.


These people were not from my own village they had traveled from little far of place only to hunt down the mouse. They were particular to catch only the mouse from the fields. In between our conversation, I asked them to come down to my home to catch few, they strictly denied. They said they only eat, mouse from the farming fields.
Not sure the reason behind, they unable to clarify me. May be the farming mouse lives in middle of nature. In few hpures they already have 6Kg of mouse in a bag. Each of them dead.


They were feared of the local people and that why they were hunting in the noon a little outside the village home, where there are lot of open spaces and farming fields.

Due to ongoing farming season, the mouse were roaming out of their hole that what I thought. With rain, farming , it will ve easy to catch them in the greenary areas.


When I meet these people they hunted down, few in their home made trap. I saw two mouse in their trap clutches with mouse inside.


I got more intrigued to know how these mouse traps function. I have never seen these kind of mouse trap before. I saw one in the cage form, but this one is completelly different. A cone shape made up of bamboo straw and toed with iron wire.


I learned that, they place a piece of onion in the interior of the trap, and it was tied with the iron from outside. Once the mouse enters the trap to eat the onion they fell prey and stuck inside the trap.


Quite a unique method to catch the mouse. Never seen before and it was my first experince knowing the stories of these community people. They already have placed more than 20 such traps all around the area, and already captured 6kg within an hour or two.


Not all people like to eat mouse, but these are specific section of the community who just loves to munch the mat with their drinks and also enjoy the flesh of these tiny animals. Though size of them varies while they were on the field.


This is what you will get to know when you live in rural part. There are so many new things which you will explore. This is my first encounter with these mouse catcher. In my last 5 years of stay, I never seen them before. But a little walk, does help me to know them.


Namaste @steemflow

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