Prepare to Launch!


After much speculation and anticipation, the day is finally here. It's May 21st and if you have been following my posts at all, you might remember that today is the day that RETIK finance launches. It has been a constant stream of activity in the Retik Telegram channel. Mostly people asking the same questions over and over again. One of those questions being "where can I buy the token?".

If you didn't get in on the presale, this is your day. Today at 8:00 AM EST the veil will supposedly be lifted and people will be able to purchase the token on a select number of exchanges.

Personally, I'm still skeptical.

Oh, in case you wondered, there is a boat launch in the photo above. That's the main reason I used it for this post. It just seemed to fit. Back to the token though. I seriously wouldn't be shocked if this run up to the actual token sale is just a final cash grab from the unknown developers. It's kind of brilliant really. Release just enough information to keep (some) people thinking this could actually be legit.

Meanwhile hype continues to build and the FOMO starts to kick in. People who weren't able to get into the presale are chomping at the bit to throw some decent money at the token. Heck, I've talked to people who did get in on the presale that are still looking at throwing thousands of dollars into more of the token when it launches at $.15 this morning.

I'm still on the fence. I consider my initial investment lost at this point and yet despite that, I still feel like I could maybe throw another hundred dollars or so at this. Just in case you know, because, you really never know...

Clearly this is not nor has it ever been financial advice. I've been pretty open about the fact that everyone should steer clear of this token. Then again, if you have a hundred bucks of ETH that you don't care about losing, feel free to try and pick some up. Just make sure you visit their official website for the token address. There are a lot of scammers out there.

Believe it or not, the "launch" theme for my #threetunetuesday post sponsored by @ablaze actually has nothing to do with the songs I am going to pick for you today.

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Apparently, I've gained a reputation as a bit of a softie. I've seen @slobberchops mention on more than one occasion that one song or another seems a bit "heavy" for me. The truth is, I like a little bit of everything when it comes to music. If you look at my playlists, you will find rock, pop, metal, rap, showtunes, classical, jazz, you name it.

While I do normally live in the soft rock or country worlds, I do have some bands that I enjoy listening to outside of that. Sometimes quite honestly, you just want to listen to music that makes you want to break stuff.

No, I'm not talking about Limp Bizkit.

Today, the first band I'm sharing with you a band that I think came on my radar because of @gooddream a long long time ago. It's Unleash the Archers and "Blood Empress" is just a sample of one of their songs. I actually dig the Evanescence style vibe that they have versus some hairy guy just standing up there and growling the whole time.

It's nice when you can actually understand the lyrics isn't it? Okay, don't hold me to that one though because if you do the next song will absolutely confuse you.

Unleash the Archers actually does a really good job of mixing that heavy metal sound and some good harmonies and lyrics together in a nice little package.

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Okay, remember what I said about how I like to be able to understand the lyrics when I am listening to metal? Well, all of that goes out the door when Baby Metal starts playing. Aside from @dbooster and a handful of other people here on Hive, most of us probably have zero clue what any of these ladies are saying when they sing.

It's entertaining though as you can see from the song "Gimme Chocolate" above. Baby Metal first came on my radar through a friend on Facebook. He's like me when it comes to music expect I would probably multiply it by 10. He's that guy that has heard of every obscure band out there and he has probably seen them in concert at least twice.

In addition to that, he is a youth pastor down south. Which is why I found it a bit weird when he first mentioned Baby Metal, but if you knew him you would eventually get it. He's had the chance to see them once or twice in concert and I think it would be fun to watch them put on a show.

If you watch the video it's kind of clear that the lead ladies are more of a pop front for a metal band, the choreography kind of gives it away. It's still fun to watch and their songs are quite catchy. Plus, they have a huge following, so that always makes it fun too!

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Finally, we may as well stick with the ladies today since we have already started down that road. Kittie is a band from Canada that has been around since about 1996. I kind of remember when they first came on the scene. It was during that period when rock was diverging into two separate paths.

Down one path you had grunge and everything that was associated with that, and then down the other path you had the heavy metal sound that we have come to know (and love) today. It's funny because when you go way back and you look at what they used to consider "metal" back in the day, it's pretty tame compared to what we have now.

"Brackish" is a pretty cool song by Kittie and I highly encourage you to check out more of their stuff if you haven't already. They have lost a member or two, but they are still together for the most part and making music, so there should be a pretty good selection of stuff for you to listen to on your favorite streaming platform.

As for me, I've got just about a half hour now to watch the fireworks for the token launch. I expect there to be a lot of qq'ing in the Retik Telegram over one thing or another. It should be entertaining!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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