Hive Takes a Dip: A Friday Finance Post


It's safe to say we had a bit of excitement at the beginning of the week. I came into work one day, I can't remember which, it might have been Monday or Tuesday and I was shocked to see that HBD had spiked up to $1.18 and Hive had dropped down to $.26.

Let me do the math for you... That basically means if you were able to swap from HBD to Hive, you were buying Hive at around $.08 per token.

I've gotta be honest, as awesome as that is, it's a bit of a yikes moment as well. First, why would HBD be spiking like that and second, I didn't think we would ever see $.08 Hive again. My biggest regret is the fact that I didn't have more HBD liquid to take advantage of the disparity. Did you?

I think it was ultimately less than 20 HBD that I was able to swap into Hive. Through the remainder of the week we have seen HBD drop back below the $1 peg (only slightly), and Hive has jumped up to $.29.

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the Leo community.

It could just be the Google algorithm at work, but I have been seeing a lot of news lately in my news feed about Cardano and Polygon. Both good and bad. As I mentioned in one of the Discord servers the other day, when I see stories about Polygon, I never know if they are talking about the blockchain or the gaming company.

Let's assume it isn't the Google algorithm at play. The fact that I am seeing so much news about ADA and MATIC tells me that those could be two tokens that I want to keep an eye on moving into the next bull market. Good thing I have been DCA'ing into both of them for a while now.

Apparently, there is an update coming to the Polygon Network soon. They are calling it Polygon 2.0 and while I don't know a lot about it, it sounds like the traditional MATIC tokens are going to be moving to the POL token. If you hold any MATIC you might want to keep an eye out for news on that front.

If you are involved in PolyCub from @leofinance, I'm not sure what that is going to mean for us.

I did see a story at the beginning of the month talking about the fact that Binance has removed some ADA and MATIC trading pairs from their exchange. It sounds like this is mostly the result of pressure or worries about what the SEC is going to do.

I'll be happy when this regulatory uncertainty is behind us!


In case you missed it, there is a token that has been on fire lately. The DBOND token dreamed up by @silverstackeruk and @raymondspeaks for/with the BRO community has been selling like crazy. In fact, there is a sale that is supposed to take place this weekend at a price of 1 Hive for 1 DBOND token.

A quick glance at Hive-Engine tells me that more than 16,000 tokens worth of orders have been placed. They haven't announced how many tokens they are going to release in this sale yet, but it's safe to say there are going to be a lot of disappointed people if it is less than 16,000.

I'm not going to get into all the mechanics of DBOND, you can check out their blogs if you want to see that, but basically you stake DBOND and you get dripped the DAB token per day. You can then stake the DAB token to earn more DBOND or leave it liquid to earn a HIVE drip.

As I mentioned, this project has gotten a lot of attention. I'm looking forward to seeing if my order gets filled this weekend.


Finally, it wouldn't be a proper post from me without a little bit of food right? If you have a Sam's Club warehouse store near where you live, I highly recommend you check out these Hatch Chile Cheese flavored peanuts.

I have to warn you though, they are addicting.

At $5 for a 20 oz bag, it's one of the best things I have bought from Sam's Club in a while. I need to point out though, that like all good things they are only available for a limited time. I'm not sure what that means, but I bought our first bag a couple of months ago, so they might not be around much longer.

In fact, if you happen to wander into the store and they have them, buy two or three bags. You are going to wish you did if you only buy one.

You can thank me later!

It took all the self control I had not to eat through the whole bag in one weekend on our last camping trip. I think the fact that I knew it would make me sick to my stomach to eat that many peanuts was the only thing that kept me from caving.

As far as bad stuff, I feel like they are pretty clean eating too. As you can see from the bag there are no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. That's rare to find these days for that price.

That's all I've got for you this week. I hope you have a great weekend. I'm looking forward to #marketfriday coming back. I have a couple posts I've been waiting to write while @dswigle has been on hiatus.

I hope everything is okay on that front. It's starting to be the time of year where she starts sharing her Christmas store finds!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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