The winter was less cold than usual that year. As far as I can remember. And it didn't last long. Which is quite normal in my area. It happens every year.

Yep. And I took plenty of photographs along the way. You'll see some of them in today's post. Have a good viewing.

In this and the previous shot, you can see the stretch of coastline called Marlera. A couple of kilometers from the village of Liznjan and six or seven kilometers from Medulin, the small town in which I live.

The photographs were taken on the 2nd of January. The winter holiday atmosphere was still in the air and in my mind. Fishing boats were passing across the bay on their way to the fishing spots in deeper waters.

The weather wasn't cold where I was standing, but there was a bit of snow about a hundred kilometers north, on the mountain visible from Marlera.


My dogs were there with me. You can see one of them in this shot.

Yep, the 2nd of January was a perfect winter day to spend outdoors.

The day before I visited a friend who lives in the city of Pula and I took several indoor photographs in her house.

You can see me eating some kind of soup in this shot.


My backpack was down on the kitchen floor and the Norwegian forest cat called Pepitza found that backpack very entertaining and worth exploring.

Here you can see the same cat in a flower pot. The composition also includes three lovely lemons on the wooden chair.

At one point I started exploring some drawers in an old cabinet in the living room.

I found many excellent little details there.

There was a plastic doll, for example, with elegant legs up in the air and the head buried in the other stuff stored in the drawer.

I mean, it looked that the head is there, but soon I discovered that what looked like a small Barbie doll is creepy and headless. The doll's dress was still shiny and in good shape. An almost impeccable piece of clothing.

I found various necklaces, medallions...

... pieces of paper, pens, another doll - this second one looked like a professional dancer ...

... it was like rummaging through a chest filled with forgotten treasures.

Here you can see a little piece from some kind of old uniform.

This minuscule calendar made of plastic looks like something that could belong to the doll I showed earlier.

This is a portrait of the dancing doll surrounded by some wires.

This looks like the frame of an old photograph or a mirror. It was displayed on the ground near the cabinet.

Pepitza wasn't far from there. The cat was hidden inside the garbage bag.

This rounded frame was mounted high on the wall, near the ceiling. The following photograph ...

... on the fourth of January. In Medulin, my hometown.

I was walking along the quiet, deserted beach.


Squids sometime jump on the beach in winter. When the tide is low. It doesn't happen often, but it happens. Here you can see one of those rare stranded squids.

Later, at home, I took a couple of selfies. One with the stainless pot on my head and an old wooden meat hammer in my left hand.

One pretty uninspired, ordinary selfie to showcase the sunglasses I found on the beach.

And one with an apple on the top of my head.

On the 9th of January, I was walking along the shore in Marlera.


The small dog called Bepina was there with me. These three shots were taken in a place where you can board a taxi boat to the nearby islet, but only in summer.

The name of the islet is Levan.


The small taxi boat station was partially destroyed by the strong winds that blow in the late autumn and winter.


I found some photogenic details on that broken structure that will be repaired in the first days of summer.

It's a lovely place. Decaying stuff looks great on the deserted beach.

The nearby fields were covered with cabbages... and some similar vegetables.

The autoportrait shown in this photograph was taken on the 2nd of January. In one of the rooms in my house.


Here you can see a bunch of Photoshop variations on the same theme.


At one point an interesting extraterrestrial creature appeared in the glass sphere I was holding. I'm fantasizing, of course. There's nothing alien here. I photoshopped a fragment from one of my artworks into this photograph.

Here you can see an abstract composition I found in the kitchen. I noticed the beauty in this thing while washing the dishes after lunch. The greasy circles shown in this photograph were floating on the surface of the dirty water inside the frying pan.

This interaction between the two figurines was photographed in my living room cabinet.

Many figurines are displayed there ...

... and on the 5th of January 2015, in the evening ...

... I photographed quite a few of them.

They look alive sometimes.

Especially when I'm stoned.


That same evening, I was seen dancing around the living room. The figurines were clapping hands. Well, some of them did. As far as I can remember.

This is Mladen.


I photographed him on the 1st of January.


In the same living room. The figurines were quiet.

On that same day, the 1st of January, I photographed two cats in my yard. They weren't completely domesticated back then. The black & white one disappeared later that year ...

... but the one shown in this photograph is a house cat nowadays.

Here you can see the same cat on the wooden pole in the garden.

Late at night, two or three AM, the date was already the 2nd of January at that point, I photographed another cat. This one was watching me from one of the walls in my neighborhood.

I took a walk to the main square & back, and I photographed some chimneys along the way. The light was low and my camera was bad, so these night shots don't look great. But I'm still glad to have them.


The three shots that this triptych is made of were taken in the open-air market of Pula. On the 5th of January, probably around noon. The following photograph ...

... was taken a couple of hours earlier.

This detail was photographed early in the afternoon, on one of the few sandy beaches of Medulin.

This is a scene from my yard.


The photographs were taken on the 11th of January.

In this shot from the 10th of January, you can see a cat and a fragment of my car.

I spent a couple of hours in the village of Shishan on the 8th of January.

A friend from my hometown brought me there. We had a drink in one of the two cafes there, and we met another friend from Shishan. A bit later, we visited one of the old houses in which my friend from Medulin had to do some small repairs. He was and still is an electrician.

I took the opportunity to take a couple of indoor shots there.

I liked the atmosphere in the old house very much.

Here you can see the mysterious shapes on the carpet in the middle of the small dining room.

I photographed some dishes as well ...

... and this long-handled spoon.

On the 16th of January, I took a walk along the stretch of coastline three or four kilometers from Shishan.

The wind was blowing ...

... pretty strong ...


... so the waves were pretty big.

Plenty of foam could be seen in the shallows near the shore.

It wasn't very cold though.

It was a good day to be near the sea.

The spiral shown in the foreground of this photograph is a detail from the tablecloth on the rounded table in the middle of my living room.

Here you can see a detail from a five liters plastic bottle in my garden.

I have no idea where this photograph was taken. Probably somewhere in Medulin.

Here you can see a friend called Zeljko, or Billy because his family name is Bilishkov, posing in the middle of my room. The same room in which I'm right now writing this post.

The moon was just a thin line in the night sky on the 15th of January 2015.


I was walking around my hometown with a bunch of friends.

We visited some bars and drank a couple of beers.

The photographs I took that night were even more muddled and grainy than my usual night shots from that period.

Yep. Pretty bad they are.

Pretty bad, but way better than nothing. I can still use them to illustrate those days & nights in January 2015 for the purpose of today's post.


And that's it. The post is almost finished and ready to publish.



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