STV - Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse NOW

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God can be such an inspiration, or maybe I should say the Bible. I mean who doesn´t get that curious sensation when Revelation 6 tells of a book or scroll in God's right hand that is sealed with seven seals?

And if God locks something, certainly it will not stay locked forever.

The story goes Lamb of God/Lion of Judah opens the first four of the seven seals. For those too lazy to Google that Lamb would be Jesus. This action summons four beings on horses, I guess kinda like My Little Pony as they ride out on white, red, black, and green horses.

But this forgotten classic tells the story very well:

A Revealing Story About My Little Ponys

In John's revelation (not the Baptist John whose head ended up on a plate). Also not the Apostle John, but another John. A John that called himself A Prophet. And got his knowledge from talking in deep with the spirit of Yeshua AKA The Lamb of God.

Three Johns all entangled with Yeshua who´s also a Lamb, A lion, the son of God AKA Jesus. These must have been very confusing times, so I will try to keep it simple. I just want to talk about these four cool dudes on horses.

The lamb btw has seven horns and seven eyes symbolizing the seven spirits sent by God to the Earth, confusing times as I mentioned. Guess that is why the whole story has gotten distorted by the modern generations.

The First, The Last, Eternity

That first horseman, a nameless fellow wearing a crown and carrying a bow nowadays is nearly always interpreted as “Pestilence.” The Bible for that matter does not mention any connection to disease. Maybe because the first plague came an eternity (300 years) after Revelation 6 was published.

And it would take another eternity till the true end would be insight but more about that later.

The White Horse

This guy on the white horse (the white horse itself is a symbol of military victory) he´s often said to be the Anti-Christ, and his goal is conquest. Conquest will generate rotting bodies and we all know what can come from that....and that was a BAT not even a human #whuhan.

A Firehorse

It gets confusing when the second seal breaks:

“When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature call out, ‘Come!’ And out came another horse, bright red; its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people would slaughter one another; and he was given a great sword.”

Little foolish me thought Conquest could do that job as well, that would be more efficient but clearly God did not agree. He needed this guy on the red horse (the original text says pyrrhós, meaning “flame-colored”) to create conflict among mankind (Civil War).

The Dark Horse

The third rider on the black horse never made sense to me until I understood world economics. But lets look at what the Good Book said about him:

“When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature call out, ‘Come!’ I looked, and there was a black horse! Its rider held a pair of scales in his hand, and I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, ‘A quart of wheat for a day’s pay, and three quarts of barley for a day’s pay, but do not damage the olive oil and the wine!’”

He does not sound so scary does he, but he controls the market. You hardly see him in times of abundance. But abundance is followed by times of extreme famine and scarcity. And then he will measure just how little you are supposed to get, it might be enough to not might not.

And Then Death Enters the room on a Pale Green Horse

“When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature call out, ‘Come!’ I looked and there was a pale green horse! Its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed with him; they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, and pestilence, and by the wild animals of the earth.”

Guess death needs no further introduction, those who have not met him soon will.

So we have; Conquest, Civil War, Famine, and Θάνατος (Thánatos). Yes, this last rider had a name that sounds like a Marvel Super villain but if you translate it he´s just called Death.

"They were given authority over a quarter of the Earth, to kill with sword, famine, and plague, and by means of the beasts of the Earth."

If you want to have a good look at these guys and how they were depicted in ancient writings click here.

The Apocalypse

This very random bunch of dudes that sprung from those seals gnawed open by a Lamb are nowadays supposed to bring the last Judgement to Earth.

They are portrayed to be the Apocalypse but as with many things these days that is oversimplifying it. The end of the world will not happen till the Dark Angel sings, and even then the end is just a phase.

These Four Horsemen are merely harbingers of the Last Judgment all getting a quarter of the pie called Earth on which to wreak havoc.

John the Revelator thought that he would be witnessing the End Of Days, boy was he wrong. Call me a pessimist but I think that it took about 2000 years before these heralds of hell came down here. Imagine how long it took that Lamb to bite through those seals.

Spreading Apocalyptic Vibes On A Lazy Sunday

Some of you might have started to wonder where this little Bible Lesson came from. As normally I start off with the trigger of my "Spread The Vibe" post. Not today, because the Book of Revelation is everything but normal. Guess that is also why it took me more than a lazy Sunday morning to write it.

One despairing commentator said that there are as many riddles in the Revelation as there are words, and another that the study of the Revelation either finds or leaves a man mad.”

But yes Dear Reader there was a post, and it had a Tune. A pretty cool tune and even though it´s said to be techno I hear a lot of synth-wave, and me like. Me also like the video @demiro it captured the modern horsemen very well.

I guess Death godt the lead, but we see war, and nature causing famine. it lacks a bit of pestilence but who cares there is sufficientConquest for everyone.

And this video is not made 100 AD, when the story of the Horseman was written. This is now.

Pestilence and Conquest are a very human factor, as it tends to dominate the world order. The world has never been smaller, hence it has never been as easy to conquer.

It requires war and we have a surplus of those on many levels. Not just the flat-out missile wars, but false economic wars, and then the secret war.
The privacy war, the war that will try to overthrow us all. The war that tries to gain ownership of our last bit of autonomy.

It´s the war led by the least impressive Horseman, the one on the black horse. The merchant, he wants to control our financial freedom. Allowing the powers that be to spread their famine among all that do not comply with the new world order.

Strange isn´t it that those ancient horsemen are still among us? That the end of times has always been near and has never been nearer than it is today.

Strange isn´t it that from all the creations that God could choose from as a personification of the end of time.....he chose Humans.

If you can´t get enough of this story, this is how it should be narrated:

(And Yes I deliberately did not use the Metalica song in this post because the lamb told me God thinks it sucks)

To top of the love for these guys check out these works of art

What is Spread The Vibes

If you want to know more about the Spread The Vibe Challenge not A challenge please clikerdeeclick me

Thank goodness you made it till the end peace, love and I am out of here!

[Source Pic](All pictures are by MyI & AI)

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