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Three Tune Tuesday Week 87: "A quick post with only three tunes for the exclusive attention of whom it corresponds"

¡To the attention of whom it corresponds!

A new Tuesday has arrived. And with it the opportunity to share a new trio of tunes for the Week 87 of the great musical initiative from our good friend @ablaze. Although this will be a very short and quick post with only three old songs just to not lose the trend and current sequence of arriving on time for this appointment on Tuesdays during this 2023. But above all, to send a loud and clear message to some individuals who are incapable to enjoy music at all. Yeah, they actually know who they are!

And if they don't know who they are, yeah, they will know very soon even if they don't take note. Because this will be their last warning and friendly notice if they don't give up being so blind, deaf, dumb and brainless. So that no one can say later that what's gonna come upon them like a waterspout sooner than expected, nobody warned them before.

So without further ado, the melodies.

¡Pay close attention!

¡To Whom it May Concern!

¡A warning never delivered with more love!


  • I love you.
  • I love you more!
  • No, I love you more!

¿Do you remember it?
Yeah, We were all stupids sometime.

Hence, enjoy them all and Cya next week!

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