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"Three Tune Tuesday - Week 102" ¡A soliloquy-ish trio of tunes!

Well today is Tuesday. And I have arrived early for the appointment. Yeah, maybe too early. So early that our good friend @ablaze hasn't even announced yet the start of the 102nd week of this initiative. But what can we do. I have to take advantage right now while I still have electricity and internet service in my shack. Because if not, I would have to go back to Thursdays as usual so you can enjoy my #ttt shares. };)

It's been several weeks since there has been a lot of noise and fuss in this beach bar where I share some music to invite people to participate and say something about what they hear. I think that it was since week 87 that not even crickets have been heard over here any longer.

So today to go in tune with the trend. Today will be just a trio of solo songs. A trio of songs to enjoy in total solitude. A trio of songs made in total soliloquy. A trio of songs in which you only need your voice and a couple of sophisticated musical devices. A trio of songs elaborated and composed exclusively for vocals and beardytron. I hope you can enjoy them even if it's only for its solitary performance alone.

«- #ttt number one -»

«- #ttt number two -»

«- #ttt number three -»

Well, all this reminds me a bit of my old good days when I used to do some of these musical soliloquies myself in front of a big crowd. Although obviously not with such a sophisticated and lightweight handful of musical devices. But rather, with a more numerous amount of bigger and heavier ones. Although the satisfaction on stage was always the same. So, let me also share a video here with a brief tutorial on what the beardytron consists of.

¿How the Beardytron works?

And last but not least. Another video just to show you what more besides a handful of sophisticated musical devices like the beardytron is needed to build and deliver a stunning musical soliloquy that keep a big crowd dancing and enjoying the show all night long nonstop.

¡You just need talent and a great sense of humor!

Until next week folks!

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