Spreading The Vibes - Lady Gaga, Shallow and an Unusual Birthday Party

I was surprised and actually shocked this morning when I saw this post, to put it mildly. Edje mentioning Lady Gaga? In a Spread the Vibes post...? And in a positive way?

The Nutty Columnist went on a very long vacation, together with the images. But after reading the post I understood and clearly saw those goosebumps that could be of the height of Mount Everest, or at least Mont Blanc, as he said. Ok, maybe felt instead of saw. As I had the same goosebumps when I saw the movie "A Star Is Born" for the first time.

We watched it in the theatre shortly after it was released in 2018. When you watch a movie in a cinema it usually leaves a deeper impression on you, partly as there are no distractions around as it happens at home. Also, if there is music that plays an important role in the movie, you perceive it much better than in home conditions. Maybe it happens just to me? Anyway, the song "Shallow" especially around the minute 1:45 (from the following video) gave me that great feeling. Oh, it does it again now when I am listening to it. Goosebumps.

source of the video

Lady Gaga was not an artist I would listen to at home, because I would choose to do it. Of course, I heard about her and could recognize some of her songs, but that was all. The same as Edje - I thought she does just commercial music and not much more, but... what she showed us in the movie changed my feelings toward her as a singer and probably a human being who had to fight for her fame. Though it is never an easy road to mark success in the music industry. Maybe the first positive comments I listened about her were said by my husband, but it stayed in that state until the movie. In combination with Bradley Cooper, they conquested us!

Unfortunately, I can't say that I even tried to search for her new music (I don't know if she had newly released songs?) but I stayed with the positive thought because of the movie, and probably because of the song Shallow. I also play it on the piano with pleasure :) And even nicer it is when played with a singer.

Thanks to this post that I encountered this morning I could remember a birthday party where the song Shallow was performed by two musicians, although not as famous musicians as Lady Gaga is. It happened under the ground a few months ago. Actually, in the "basement" part of a rock club, rented out by the person who celebrated her birthday.


As a singer, she invited a lot of other musician friends. It was a kind of improvised celebration because the guests, the musicians were bringing the music part to the party. A trumpet player, bass guitarist, drummer, another guitarist, two pianists and some singers. The man with the hat is a Cuban pianist who told me his life story and how he got to Spain... The trumpet player mainly performs jazz music and there, on the stage, these musicians have improvised together with ease.


The singer lady - who was celebrating her birthday performed with all the other musicians, and with a lady pianist in black too. They just agreed about the songs several minutes before they took the stage, and made music without any rehearsal. That was cool as any improvisation and unexpected thing could happen.

I also have some recordings of some piano music and I put those fragments together into one video. You will see, it starts with the song Shallow, continues with short parts of some solo piano pieces and finishes with the first song I mentioned. The recordings are maybe not perfect but it was half-dark and recorded with a phone.

Thanks to edje I got the inspiration to spread these Lady Gaga vibes and bring this birthday party to Hive and Q-inspired-by-music corner. And what about you? Did you watch the movie A Star Is Born? Do you like Lady Gaga? Have you visited a birthday party lately that was different from the other ones and was celebrated in a peculiar way? Feel free to share with us your stories and vibes (the guides to a Spread the Vibes challenge can be found here.


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