Earn with this weeks Post Topic plus State of the GLD coin

A special thank you to everyone who wrote in last weeks post prompt.

From memory that would be @jjmusa2004, @emreal, @rare-gem and @monica-ene

The new goal is to rewards every person who posts on the weekly topic with the GLD coin.


The coin is still new but it has been increasing in value as I'll be regularly purchasing using my LEO payout from my delegated HP to them.

Currently 1 GLD is valued at 0.00748 Hive


This weeks Post Topic

This week I'd love to get feedback on how you connect with the Hive infrastructure!

I'm going to guess its primarily through cellular phone, but laptop, desktop, tablet or other devices may be on the list of ways you connect.

How do you enjoy your experience with your current device? If you have any device possible what would you use? If you were to make your current experience better what would you add? I just want to hear about connection triumphs and woes.

Should out to @monica-ene who said that their device is old and tired. Hope you care to share for this weeks post!

A note about submission: It will run for one week (next Saturday my time). Submissions should be 300word or more. Please tag me @terganftp in the post response. It isn't required but last week @tergan was tagged and I only check that account every few days. Very sad because if I see the post within 24hrs the Hive Pakistan crew has graciously allowed me to curate with their account. If over 24 hrs I'm just out of luck :(

So, want more upvotes? Let me know @terganftp so I can get some curation action going. Side note: I'm only allowed to curate 2 posts daily so if you see two posts ahead of you maybe wait a little bit until hitting send :)

All posts that are over 300 words, stick to the topic, and are original and well written will share the 750 GLD token that I purchased last week. How much you actually get depends on the number and quality of entries. Happy posting!

Why am I asking about devices?

I purchased an inexpensive laptop from AliExpress. It is very much a potato PC (underpowered and basic) but it should be able to provide a good Hive access experience for an inexpensive price. I'm hoping to provide a write-up and 3speak video's about it during the upcoming week.

In addition this laptop will be the first item to be made available for purchase exclusively using the GLD coins. Over time I hope to improve the GLD token useability but I have to start somewhere.

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