Beautiful Sunday + Sublime Sunday

I just realized that today is the final Sunday of 2020. What a year... What have I done this year? Hmmm... Even though it's the pandemic year, but overall I think I am doing quite well. I managed to increase my active income a bit and started to build passive income stream. I am learning new skill too.

Today me and my girls started making red packet lanterns decorations for 2021 Chinese New Year.





Vinnie was folding the red packets into half.

Ryenne was cutting the red packets into half.

Halley was stapling the cut red packets.

I combined the stapled red packets into flowers and then making the flowers into a big flower ball lantern.

We have not finished all the lanterns yet. So we will continue to do this next week.

Happy Sunday!

If you are not familiar with these two themes, BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108 and you can check out other BeautifulSunday post HERE. Whereas SublimeSunday is initiated by @c0ff33a. Find more Sublime Sunday posts HERE.

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