Wen Game - Progress Update


Wen Game?

I'm sure this is something many of you have been asking yourself. Our roadmap indeed had the game launch planned for Q3 of 2023, but we are currently in Q4, so what is going on? Well, it's more complicated than a simple explanation, so I will take a moment to give everyone in the #WOOGame community a progress update. Let me start by saying we are incredibly proud of the community we continue to build and if you want the most up-to-date information or want to talk wrassling, join our Discord!

Now, let's get to the update.

Perry Saturn Merch.jpg

Releases & Updates

As many of you have noticed WOO has been pumping out updates regularly. This includes City upgrades, NFT Leveling, Organization upgrades, Booker's license, Early access gameplay with logs, and a little birdy told me WOO Crates are around the corner!

This is all necessary for us to release the game. Without the updates mentioned above, we wouldn't even be close to a released game, but as you can see we are much closer. All of these updates take time to develop, and I want to remind you that the ONLY full-time staff member on the WOO team is @bookerman and he isn't a developer. The other 10 members of the WOO staff are all part-time and many can only do work on the weekends. This is the biggest issue in the delay you're currently seeing. But, as they say, all good things take time. We aren't willing to rush out a product that doesn't meet our standards. We would rather be slightly late and deliver a quality product than push something out just to meet a deadline.


What Is Left To Do?

Basically, everything is done... BUT... During internal testing of the animated matches, we discovered an issue that makes animations not load for some users. Currently, our lead developer @tobias-g has tasked @gamerzaza with fixing this issue and have it resolved by our next developer meeting on Monday. The reason Tobias wants this completed ASAP is because he and @balaz will be away from the 20th of October to the end of the month. This means that users can expect the game to not be playable with rewards this month.

We want to be completely transparent with what is left. It includes fixing the animations not loading for some users and testing the rewards system. Those are the final two pieces that must be completed before users can start playing and earning $WOO through gameplay.



We are working very hard to get this game out but there have been some issues and setbacks. In game development, this is something we just have to get used to. Things break and don't work as expected and we must be flexible and reactive to fix these issues. Everyone on the WOO team and all of our partners want to see the game released, but more so than that we all want our users to have a great experience with our game and we want to show what is possible to create on #HIVE with a small team of part-timers.

We very much appreciate your continued support and we are aware it is currently Q4 and the roadmap stated Q3 release. We are working very, very hard to finish up and we are in the home stretch. We just have to fix the last few issues and then you will see the game being released WITH ANIMATIONS to the WOO Champions in our Discord. After those have been tested you will see a PUBLIC BETA where users can play the full game without rewards. We will then test the reward system and launch the game for all to be able to play and earn!



Did you know we've recently launched our witness for @wrestorgonline, if you like what we're creating please consider supporting us by voting here.

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