WOO NFT Leveling Is LIVE!


NFT Leveling Live For The Public!

That's right, the long-awaited for NFT leveling system is live on our official website https://play.wrestlingorganizationonline.com/. Now, let's get to the meat and potatoes of this post and walk you through how easy it is to level up your NFTs to enter the ring with the strongest version of your wrestlers as you can when the game releases soon. Let's begin!

How To Level NFTs

As stated above, visit our official website and log in. Once you are logged in click on the collection tab as shown below.


This will bring you into your personal collection. It will default you to the "Talent" section of your collection, but if not, click TALENT. Once you're in the appropriate section, you will hover over the Wrestler you want to upgrade and click Manage as shown below.


This will direct you to a new screen. As you can see in the image below, I've underlined a few key bits of information. You will see the level of each individual NFT, How much Training Power each specific NFT has, how much training power is needed to reach the next level for each NFT, an indicator to show if the NFT is listed on the market or not, and your NFT ID for each individual NFT.

You can also see there is a VIEW STATS AND LEVELS button as shown below. By clicking this you will learn what changes as each wrestler is leveled up. Let's click it now and see what happens to Arty Wright as he levels.


As you can see below, that opened up another window with more information on what is required to reach the max level and what stats change as you level. Once you have reviewed all the information click Got It as marked below.

Note: Wrestlers moves can also change. This will be added to this section later. Review the previous post about leveling to gather more information for now, or check the NFT as you're leveling it.


Now that we are back on the wrestler management page, let's choose NFTs to combine to level up our wrestlers.

Note: Only 50 NFTs can be selected at one time. If you try to choose more than 50 NFTs or choose one that is listed for sale on the market, the combine button will not work. Only NFTs not listed on the market can be leveled.

Once you have chosen the NFTs to level, I have chosen 50, now I will click combine as shown below.

Note: The NFT with the highest training power will be the NFT that others are combined into. If they all have the same training power then the NFT with the lowest mint number (ID number) will be the NFT that others are combined into.


This will pop up a new screen which will show what level your NFT will be leveled to. Remember, for common NFTs, we need 51 NFTs to upgrade to level 2, but we could only choose 50. So, let's click combine as shown below and continue our leveling journey.


After you confirm the transaction with KeyChain you will see a pop-up which will take about 10-15 seconds to confirm the combining of your NFTs. You can see this pop-up below.


Once it's confirmed you can continue to combine your NFTs and level up your wrestlers. Let's select 1 more NFT to finish up level 2 for Arty Wright. We will select NFTs and click combine like we did earlier.


This will bring you back to the combine screen. As you can see your NFT will be leveled to level 2 after you confirm this combination.

Note: @domthesonartist made a slight mistake when creating the leveled NFT images. HP and Speed are switched. This is a known issue and we will be fixing the images, but we didn't want to delay the release for our community. This should be fixed in 24 to 48 hours.


As seen below, Arty Wright NFT ID 595 is now level 2! You can repeat this process with all your NFTs until you have a maxed-level deck!



We are just around the corner from having a full game release! Now is a great time to level up your wrestlers, upgrade your organizations, and build up your cities to unlock their true potential. Don't forget you can buy/sell your NFTs on our marketplace, and City packs from our first territory are still on sale!



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