Feel good beacuse Eating fruit makes man healthy.

Hey companions, here the topic is discussed regarding eating fruit, I am in love with fruits. Whereby, the topic is related to in love community. Hope, the stuff must be liked and voted too.


I have experienced many things in terms of eating yet I prefer fruit to other things, and I give first priority to fruit rather go for another. Since my childhood, I love to eat fruit and multi sort of fruit is eaten by me on the daily basis. Every fruit has its own season and seasonal fruit gives a good taste while eating.

Image source : images are mine

Though, fruit is the best treatment for health, let suppose, an apple for a day is the best medication for all diseases. If anybody eats an Apple on the daily basis, he will never need to go any doctor for treatment. However, every patient is suggested to eat fruit rather than to eat other things even he/she is asked keeping diet nevertheless Dr asks him/her to go through fruit.

Fruit always remains fresh in the market, we get many expired things yet fruit has pure quality. Fruit makes us fresh and healthy as it is itself. Many a disease is cured by fruit. Whenever, I am given options to eat something, I choose fruit because I know that fruit has pure quality and it is worth to eat.

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