Dreaming of green growing things!

I'm already missing summer so much, and there are still months of winter to get through before spring arrives.
I miss the colors of the flowers and the green leaves on the trees.
I even miss the naughty little chipmunks. Chipmunks don't actually hibernate. Instead, they enter a hibernation-like state called torpor. Torpor is more like a nap, where they wake up every few days to snack on food and that they stored in their underground tunnels during the summer and fall.

Summertime on the deck. Video posted via my mobile device using Ecency app. (soon to be released)

And then.... WINTER!

Photo of the deck with all the snow was today from my security camera. That camera's main use is for viewing wildlife. The two shoveled paths are used to fill the bird feeders.

Thankfully the birds are active at the feeders all year long and provide life and movement to my otherwise black and white world during the winter.

Blue Jay

male Northern Cardinal

male and female Northern Cardinal on the feeder with a chickadee and a hairy woodpecker waiting their turns.

I keep browsing through the seed catalogs dreaming of what I should order to plant in the pots on my deck. I think right now I have every page bookmarked, even though I know I don't have nearly enough room for everything I would like to grow!

I have plenty of time to decide!

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