Phone Photography Contest #23: Photoshoot with Eggplants

I was thinking of ideas on what to share for @untilwelearn's Phonography Challenge this week when I saw a bunch of eggplants on our dining table this morning.

It's not the first time I see such a scene because one of our neighbors who owns quite a huge garden often gives us a lot of them. We're always thankful for it. And in exchange, after my mom cook something out of the abundant eggplants they give us, we also share some of the dish she made. :) I like this kind of relationship between neighbors.

Anyway, let me show you some of the shots I took a while ago.

I tried taking photos of them from different angles. It was a fun thing to do while having breakfast. Yes, multitasking is my thing... especially on a busy work day. :) It's more productive.

Also, I tried using the macro feature on my phone, but the quality isn't that good... maybe because of the lighting indoors. But here they are.

I wonder what we'd have for lunch later??? (LOL.. isn't it obvious? xD)

When I have more time, I want to experiment on the macro feature more in the coming days. Thanks for checking my entry...

See you around and y'all have a great one! (^^,)/

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