January Weather Review From My Own Weather Station + Weather Game Round 6

February is done and it's time to review the weather and see who won the last round of the game. You had to guess the coldest temperature of February. Congratulations @ervin-lemark! You guessed -12C, the right answer was -12.6C and you were the closest guess. 10 HIVE will be sent to you. You can find the temperature chart below in the weather review section.
Also, big thanks to @wrestlingdesires, @cryptopaddy801, @littlebee4, @cetb2008, @ifarmgirl-leo, @eolianpariah2 for participating. Be sure to submit your guess in this round 6 too below.


Weather Game Round 6

In the next game, you have to guess how much rain will we get during March. How many millimeters (mm) in total do you think it will be?
Your guess can also be in inches (in) if you prefer. March tends to get dryer but still, rain is expected to fall. Maybe some snow too.

Drop your guess down below in the comments.
Only one guess per person.
The closest guess will win 10 HIVE at the start of April.

My weather review below might give you an indication of how much rain might be falling during the next month.

February Weather Review From My Weather Station

The weather was much better than in January, in terms of the nice snowy winter weather. We also got many more sunny days than in previous months, that's a nice treat after long and dark winter. Days only get longer and clearer from here.

Temperature and Humidity

The highest temperature on the 13th was 7.5C which was a record warmth on that day, it usually doesn't happen in February. The coldest temperature of the month happened on the 22nd at -12.6C. This cold is quite usual. The month's average temperature was -1C, almost the same as in January.

The upper graph is temperature and the lower is humidity. The air went quite dry at some point, with only 63% humidity.


Solar energy and UV radiation

As the days get longer and the sun goes higher, the solar energy and UV rise as the chart shows you. In December and January, the UV was basically 0 all the time. Now we even got 2 days with UV 2 and one day with UV 3. These measures will rise fast in April.

The yellow line is solar energy and the blue is UV radiation.



Hmm, that doesn't seem right. It shows me 2mm of rainfall total this month and two rain events. Although maybe it is right because it doesn't read snowfall but only rain. Either way, I got to check out my instruments on the roof.
This is what you need to guess in this weather game round 6, how many millimeters of rain will fall. It will surely be more than 2mm because more rain than snow is expected in March. Make your guess.



The strongest gust of wind happened on the 10th with 12.2 m/s (27.3mph) and the average wind speed of the month was 5.1 m/s (11.4mph). The majority of the time, the wind was blowing from the southwest.

The upper graph is wind speed and the lower graph is wind direction.


Air Pressure

Nothing interesting to bring out this month on the air pressure graph. All are in the usual range. Fluctuating quite heavily actually during the month.


You can find the current year's monthly reviews below:

January 2023

Don't forget to submit your weather game 6 guess below in the comments, how many millimeters of rain will be there in March!?!


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