Introduction post of Lemonade1


Assalamualaikum, may peace be upon you.
This is Lemonade1. I love lemonades and it is very important to have one in the diet. Kidding.

I am Bushra, not George W. Bush but Bushra, a university student in her 4th year. It is quite hectic to study during the pandemic crisis but hopefully, things are coming back to normal soon, I HOPE SO. I am a bookworm, meaning I love reading books more than anything. It is my first priority and also my last. Not discussing in-depth here, will share in details on another post.

From more than 200 books, the shortlist I did so that my sister can buy, but still I have only 3!

Yes, I have other interests too, like I love watching Animes and I'm also into Mangas. I follow K-dramas too. I watch movies from time to time. I watch both Hollywood and Bollywood. I also watch Hollywood series when am super bored. I used to watch Soap Opera once upon a time. BTW, now I have NO free time, although pandemic is supposed to bring in some family time and FREE time, none of that has happened nor happening.


The one and only, SHERLOCK, my first TV series recommendation!

Besides everything else, I love traveling and I aim to create my travel diary where I am aiming to pin all the places I visited like what we do on Google map. As I said, I love traveling, does it imply that I have some good experience at it? Maybe or maybe not. I love traveling because of the concept of moving about to different places and taking in the aesthetic feels that is quite not possible to experience quite everywhere or in everything. However, there are trips that will always leave their mark in your memory lane were from time to time you will surely make a visit.

Visit to a city on the North-East of Dhaka

Here in Hive, I am planning to share my travel stories, my opinions, and advice on the matters I am well aware of. I am known to be a knowledge seeker by many of my friends but I just plainly tend to seek knowledge as nothing in this world is wasteful. My curious mind tends to seek the things which it can grab, obviously, interest plays a major role.

Visit at Zinda Park, the enormous staircase

Alongside my travel stories and sharing my perspective on issues, I would like to share my favorite songs with you all. I bet most of you love listening to music but it is true that not every one of you will be interested in the likes of mine. But, still, I would share my favorite ones and see if it matches with any of you here. After all, without trying how would I know.

In the End by Linkin Park, more of Linkin Park and Imagine Dragons, are my foremost favourites!

Now, the fun part is that I love Animes and Mangas. They are ones that revive my soul and I can't get my mind off it when I start with one. Let me add, even music falls under this category. I really enjoy reading them and it is true that I do it only for self-satisfaction. For me, self-satisfaction is a necessity, a need. If I am happy, everything will follow it, such is my philosophy.

With this, I would like to end my introduction section. the first time I heard about this place, it felt like I have been awarded an opportunity. So, this is how I look at this platform and how It is to me. So, my heart most thanks goes to @zaku Sir, @kinab brother, and @tahminasyed my crazy sis. Thank you @aqua-red for helping me out. Without these people, it would have been quite hard for me to get this opportunity. I always believe that every person who enters our life has a contribution to make in it. With this in mind, I want to thank these people dearly.

My hand is the left one, which left that is up to you all.

Being a newbie, I hope to get all your support and guidance in helping me around here. My main focus is to give my all and receive what I deserve, nothing more and nothing less. You all know better how much I will deserve in here and I will truly appreciate your criticism and encouragement.

Arigatogozaimasu! Fiamanillah! Hope to see you all often!

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