If you can’t get stop thinking about it, it is still worth going after

Life as a teacher to all, have its own way of treating or teaching every single person on how to go about their daily routines. It always pick us from nowhere to somewhere, by bringing every sense of ours to work, to achieve that specific purpose we set for ourselves. Nobody in this life of ours, think on failing in every project he/she tries to embark on. Even though we try to hide that part sometimes to make fun of our failure as something we saw of happening.



The truth always is that we are never bold to man up to say it loud that we failed and that we never let it make us quit but it would push us more to make it happen at all cost. This say have left many not to push harder the very project they started, all because they failed. They have made their failure over weighed them so much that the zeal in them to make such a project happen have die off.

We have all heard the story of the man who discovered light, and we know that he never succeeded at his first, second or third try but it took him a thousand and one times to make his dream a reality. Just imagine the hells he would go through in the thousandth times he failed. It took him one additional try to write his success story and I bet most men of our time would have given up after their first hundred tries.



So I am here to tell you this morning, afternoon, or evening that it is still worth the try. Whatever thing you have being wanting to bring to light is still worth the time. As the say goes every minute you waste on something you cherish is never considered as a wasted time. Never let your failures bring that spirit in you down, but to every fail just tell yourself that it is only a method which which didn’t work out and try a different way again.

The fact that anytime something or someone reminds you of that thing, and keeps you to wonder how lovely it would have being with that thing in the lives of humans. It simply means it is still worth going after it. Never let your bright ideas die off with you in your grave but make sure it comes into play to tell the world how easy you made living for the generations yet to come.

Your time has come for you not to let that dreams of your hunt you but rather you have to hunt it , so it rather fear you than you fearing it. For you are greater and mightier than your ideas, so when you are able to have the time to think about it, then it is always worth the time to go after it. Make it stand tall in the reality.

Best regards

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