God isn't liable | You are Responsible for yourself | Bangla News

Dear Hive Community

Recently I visited the temple, and I was simply observing various individuals what they are doing? What's going on with they? Also, discover something bizarre with respect to that, so I chose to compose an exceptionally little story yet having a ground-breaking message. So we should begin and have something to eat.


They was to be a lady in the old time, which used to go to the temple consistently! One day she was loving the god and praying , and an odd idea came in his mind so the lady told the monk, from today I won't go to the temple!

The monk was stunned hearing it and on this the asked - for whats the valid reason? for not coming to the temple.

At that point the lady says - I see individuals discussing their business with their telephones in the temple premises! Some have picked the spot to chatter the temple! Some love less pietism, imagine more!

The monk was stunned hearing it and on this the asked - for whats the valid reason? for not coming to the temple.


At that point the lady says - I see individuals discussing their business with their telephones in the temple premises! Some have picked the spot to chatter the temple! Some love less pietism, imagine more!

The monk stayed quiet for some time and afterward said - Right! Be that as it may, before you settle on your ultimate conclusion, would you be able to accomplish something for me!

Lady says - What do i need to do?

The monk said - Fill a glass of water and pivot inside the Temple premises multiple times. In any case, this work has some curve in it, the condition is that the glass water ought not fall in the temple premises!


Lady says - I can do this! At that point she began turning the temple premises and finished the work given by the monk!

After that the monk of the temple asked 3 inquiries from the lady

Did you see somebody chatting on the telephone?

Have you seen somebody tattling in the temple?

Did anybody see false reverence?

lady statement - I have not seen anything!

At that point the monk said - When you were going nonstop around the temple, your whole spotlight was on the glass that water would not tumble from it, so you can't perceive any individual in the temple what others are doing, did you see it or not?

Lady says – No, I have not seen any individual, I was simply observing the glass in my grasp.

Presently at whatever point you go to the temple, you should concentrate on God You won't see anything! Just God will be seen all over the place.

So the lesson of the story is simply to give full center whatever you do in your life. You will consistently come in flying hues.

Who is liable for the tragedies throughout everyday life?




Your legislature

You are Responsible for yourself.

Your migraine, the consequence of indulgent musings.

Stomach torment, the consequence of wrong eating.

Your credit, the consequence of inordinate costs.

You're the consequence of your legal dispute, as a result of your sense of self.

Your quarreling question, considerably more the result of being futile discourse.

Aside from the above reasons there are several reasons and don't need to reprimand others for your issues.

God isn't liable,

it's you who are blameworthy,

If we think about the explanations behind these sufferings, we will find that our stupidity is behind them.

Image Credit : Pixabay 1 2 3

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Hope you like my article, request you please write a comment and upvote this will motivate me to write more for this beautiful community.

A writer is complete when his audience upvote and comment, this helps him to know. What his audience want from him.THANK YOU !!!!!!

Some Of My Other Works.






My Blog : http://www.nineearth.in/

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Please Support the Project

Donate a Dollar, It Will Save Lives

Special Thanks to the @bdcommunity account

The great individuals of our community have given us more help than we had ever sought after. Thus, we'd prefer to show our appreciation towards you by giving you a holler and some positive vibes.

List of the donator

@aagabriel @reazuliqbal @ospro @stuffbyspencer @neoxian @simplymike @gerber @hanshotfirst @sourovafrin @hossainbd @xawi @udezee @zaku @travel-cuisine @rockyjohns @linco @hafizullah @preparedwombat @simplifylife @burn-it-down @toufiq777 @cummins @r2cornell @rockyjohns @cranium @hafizullah @philipkavan @dlike @preparedwombat @knowhow92 @canna-witness

Thank You so Much for your generous Support.

Special Thanks to @reazuliqbal & @zaku for the efforts.

Next Name Can be yours please donate as much as you can and save life's.

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Join the Challenge | POSH |Engage | Help Hive Thrive.

Be POSH, Engage and help Hive Thrive | A Challenge sponsored by Blocktrades, Theycallmedan, Threespeak and OCDB
by @anomadsoul

The Hive Blockchain has been alive for somewhat more than a month, and we previously demonstrated as a network that decentralization and collaboration is a principle factor to pull in new clients, speculators, engineers and substance customers.

Another key factor for this, particularly for content makers and substance buyers is Engagement and association at post level... furthermore, let's be honest, the remark commitment in your normal Hive post isn't perfect.

The idea behind this challenge is to get more engagement. @blocktrades, @theycallmedan, @threespeak and @ocdb will be voting to the quality post to make it successful.Their is another engagement league organized by @abh12345 , we need to support community to grow faster and more people engagement.

Special Thanks to the GEMS for curation support to community formed by @appreciator, @rocky1 and @upmewhale,@bluemist (Admin)

So what are you waiting for just join the league.


Credit: @doze

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