Lifetime High Hive ups 400% : MXC And Huobi Global Exchange Listed HIVE

Dear HIVE Community,


MXC Exchange recorded HIVE on the mainboard at 18:00 (UTC+8), Apr 23.

The MXC Exchange administration was accessible and the exchanging for $HIVE/USDT pair was opened. Welcome to MXC Exchange and exchange HIVE on MXC Exchange.

Huobi has listed HIVE! Huobi is doing a 100k HIVE giveaway details are as indicated by their declaration in the event that you store Hive onto the Huobi Global trade from the 23rd of April to the 28th of April 14:00 (GMT+8) you get an opportunity at winning a portion of 100,000 Hive as long as your store volume is more than 5,000 Hive and you have finished your ID check on the trade! There's some different terms and conditions that apply so look at the declaration.

While I am not very partial to ID confirmation you should realize that you can in any case use Huobi Global without checking however there will be an every day withdrawal limit set up. This is normal practice for most trades so nothing to be excessively frightened of and if its all the same to you checking your ID then you can partake in this store giveaway which is enticing without a doubt. I don't have the foggiest idea whether the volume will rely upon the end giveaway, implying that on the off chance that you store 10,000 you will have the option to get 2x more than those saving 5,000 however it would merit the couple of days missing curation prizes for having your Hive staying there for seven days in any event. Huobi is additionally a truly trustworthy and solid trade so if its all the same to you the ID check you can have confidence that your Hive are secure.

Screenshot_2020-04-24 Bittrex Global - The Next Generation Crypto-Currency Exchange.png

Hive is moving today, I wish I knew the exactly reason.There is additionally a huge spike in volume today.MXC simply reported they will be posting & listing Hive and Huobi had a phenomenal AMA yesterday perhaps a portion of the variables in this pump.

Screenshot_2020-04-24 (0 00003821) BTC-HIVE Hive - Bittrex.png

Special Thanks to the following to making this happen:


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