Whenever heart get depressed and disappointed

Dear Hive Community,

It's was along alone weekend, and I don't any plans yet now. My heart is feeling depressed. So I decided to write about this how to make yourself and your heart happy. This situation is very common, everyone in the world gets into this situation, and he feels helpless at that time."Cheer up guys, I am here to help you in overcome this situation." So let's tighten your seat belts and I start the engine.


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In life there are some movements in which you get stuck, were all your hard work, all your things get away from you. Your mind gets sad, and you think and feeling like the devil. Life is very stressful, and to fight with this stress everybody has his own tricks. There are many types of people some keep calm in stress and some get tensed. Sometime your heart also gets depressed with the stress. Sometimes bio-chemical also helps in heart depressed. Apart from this there are different reasons also like job, marriage, financial problems,broken heart etc also make heart sad. When you are sad to try to do this thing and make yourself happy again.

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Talk with family members.

Talking is the best medicine in this regards. Have a good conversation with your family members, whom you are comfortable with sharing your problems. Sometimes sharing helps in release of all stress from mind and you feel relaxed. Every person has to fight own for this stress but a little help from family members makes him confident against any problems.

Try to praise yourself.

This is another medicine for getting happy, when your heart is sad to try standing in front of mirror and start praising yourself. Try to recall your last victory, your good work, how perfectly you have completed last assignment, etc. Don't get upset when people criticized you. It's you! Who can make yourself, not the world? Try to stand for yourself. If you have done mistake try to accept it, there is no harm in that this will help you learn more. Ups and downs are part of life.

Developing a new skill.

Try to do that work which increases your energy, like dairy writing, music, cooking, dance, shopping, etc. you don't like this I have a much more better idea, try to light aroma candle in home all this will decrease sadness and you will feel happy and nice. You can follow your hobbies also into your passion which will keep you happy all the time.

Try thinking broader.

This is one of the reasons, you might be surrounded by the negative people. Who every time hurting you, shouting on you, criticized you, avoid them and think broader and expand your network. There are more people who will like your work and want to work with you. Try to live with those always happy people and see life in a positive manner.

Be grateful to what you have now.

Many time people thinking got changed because of failure, think life is more important than sadness and stress, if you think your are a loser, just looking into the glass and think what you like the most. Be grateful for all the things you have, their respective many people, who cannot afford also what you have in life. Life is beautiful and thinks how you can make it more beautiful. God has given you all the things and you should be grateful.

Some of the likes and dislikes.


  • Eat healthy food, like fruits and vegetables so that you can feel better.

  • Do yoga and meditation which helps in fighting from stress and disease.

  • If it is a must try meet a counselor also which can help you solve your problems.


  • If you want to be balanced in life, try limiting the use of mobile, social media and gadgets.

  • keep a distance from bad people who always criticized, think bad for people.

  • If you are sad avoid serial, films, and hate news.

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Broken heart (also known as a heartbreak or heartache) is a metaphor for the intense emotional--and sometimes >physical—stress or pain one feels at experiencing great longing. The concept is cross-cultural, often cited with >reference to a desired or lost lover, and dates back at least 3,000 years.
Emotional pain that is severe can cause 'broken heart syndrome', including physical damage to the heart.


Broken Heart

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