Elamental- An Extremely talented Multifaceted HIVE Musician, Artist and Leader.

Droppin' the word for real with no conceal - Elamental

"I want to free the minds of those that have been subjugated by societies oppression, to the point of completely loosing touch with real existence. People are stuck in a plastic fake reality that they are conditioned to submit to. I want to de-program people from this and expose them to the truths of this world. Let’s wreck the hex of this planet and bless the rest that’s damaged. It is time everyone became conscious and aware of what is required from us as members of the Earth, for us to finally live in harmony with it."

- @elamental


Elamental is perhaps the most inspiring and powerful person I have had the pleasure of crossing paths with on HIVE. I first met him on the introduceyourself tag almost 4 years ago. He is a conscious rapper coming out of the Portland, Oregon area. He is currently prepared to release his much anticipated Album THE POWER OF TRUTH. Not only is Elamental a self driven, talented rapper who creates top notch music, he is also a community leader heading up Collectives for Artists on and off of Hive. Elamental is surrounded by famous people who clearly has been influential in helping further his talents. From Jack Herer's son to producers for Wu-Tang Clan and of course HIVE's very own @kennysgaminglife, who is a notable figure in America known in real life for his humanitarian efforts and being a key original Rainbow Gathering influencer as well as helping Content creators all over the world eat and survive with his curation efforts on HIVE a la @tribesteemup; Elamental has done a great job surrounding himself with amazing talented people.

Without further ramblings from myself, I present to you a very small portion of this inspiring hard working man's accomplishments. Do visit these posts and say Hi to Elamental for me! Also keep a look out for @elamental to be releasing music on @nfttunz Marketplace!

For many years @elamental has chosen Hive as his home for furthering his talents and community organizing and yes of course promoting his amazing music, collectives and super bomb cannabis grows. I really can go on and on about Elamental but really you need to discover this amazing person for yourself. In this post, I have gathered key Hive content and content in general from Elamental to help those who do not know about HIVE's very own celebrity Conscious Hip-hop (Truth-Hop) Super Star, to allow for greater appreciation of this Hive Artist I feel needs to be better highlighted.

Please use this post to better get to know @elamental, his musical talents and leadership as a Collective Founder/leader. Look out for his upcoming Album, THE POWER OF TRUTH, NFTs associated with said album and community collectives he is building; all of which is mentioned below.



ELAmental's 1st Ever NFT.
My first set of NFTs are going to be minted in my Alpha collection, and this being my first NFT I have ever personally minted, it will be the ONLY Lyrical Sorcery NFT ever printed in Alpha (all subsequents in their own collection). This NFT is one-of-a-kind, and a piece of ELAmental-music history. I do not know how many single edition NFTs I will actually mint in the long run, most will have multiple copies (if not many).


ELAmental's FIRST EVER Music Artist NFT - one of a kind - and the first NFT in ELAmental's Alpha series. My new ELAmental LP album "Power of Truth" had a temporary delay in publication, which is out of my hands, and in the hands of the publishing company. I am publishing something for my support family to remind everyone that "Power of Truth" is still releasing, and also provide an example-path for how to properly TRANSMUTE OBSTACLES INTO OPPORTUNITIES. Manifesting new songs are now embedded into my spirit - Music in Hip Hop - Higher Infinite Power Healing our People - Let this serve as an example the next time an obstacle blocks your path... Remember that roadblocks cannot hinder your ability and skills unless you allow them. Be the Stronger Spell Caster and reverse those curses. Transmutation is a powerful sorcery. This NFT depicts lyrics written by ELAmental on 12-20-2021 (the day of minting) in response to the unannounced copyright approval delays for ELAmental's LP "Power of Truth" - that was set to release on December 17th, 2021. This is the raw notebook cryptic-calligraphy of lyrics hand-written by ELAmental, for the purposes of releasing in a song on an upcoming collaboration mixtape album project set to release several months after the "Power of Truth" LP release. This NFT is for private use only, and neither the NFT or the depicted lyrics written therein are allowed for use for any commercial or for-profit purposes by anyone other than ELAmental. Ownership of this NFT does not include ownership of the lyrics themselves, although the minting of this NFT does serve as the common law copyright for ELAmental of said lyrics written on the notebook in the attached image. This raw Hip Hop style NFT type will be turned into a separate collection/series. This will be the ONLY NFT of this type minted in my original Alpha series collection. All the other subsequent NFTs of this type will be minted in my "Cryptic-Calligraphy", "Lyrical Sorcery", or other similar later chosen collection name. Special Edition Prototype #1 of 1 - Comic #0 right here.

Collection: Alpha
Total Edition(s): 1
List Price: 111 SWAP.HIVE


Introducing ELAmental to Hive - Lyrical Artist Weaving Dreams Into Reality

Many of you already know me from my versatile work on our former blockchain over the past few years, and now I feel the time is appropriate to give myself a proper introduction on the Hive blockchain as well. My original introduction post from early 2018 is extremely comprehensive and actually still very accurate, so please read that first if you have not already. In that post I reference needing to publish a part 2 intro since there is too much that goes into my life to cram in one post. Since I have yet to publish such a sequel, the introduction of Hive has granted me a perfect chance to do so with updates on all the new projects and interests I have been recently developing.


Green Em-Steemian Expanding Truth & Freedom: Introducing @ELAmental. Conscious Hip-Hop Emcee, Cannabis Farming, Hand Made Jewelry, Crystals, Traveling, Living on the West Coast in Oregon, & Loving Every Second of this Life!

On the stage I introduce myself as ELAmental but my friends call me Sass. I am a conscious emcee with the intent of spreading wisdom for healing mankind and the Earth. My messages are often abstract and indirect, which tends to make people think more about what is said, but is also generally my style of writing and delivery. Most of my lyrics come to me through intuitive practices and meditations of sorts. My best art is formed when I am isolated from all external forces and energy, although sometimes external pressure pushes me to write great content as well, but in a very different way. So I guess you could say I am versatile in my creative methods. Adaption should be the primary protocol for all that wish to evolve.


The Hex Wrecker. A Digital Album on Bandcamp. By ELAmental

released July 10, 2018
RLM Entertainment, Jeanot Lewis-Rolland, Max Maichak, Chris “Cutter” Benson, Erin Miller, Talilo Marfil, Joey Coffineau, Ryan Elder (Dolla5o Productions), 2Deep Productions, Victoria Demarest, and Brandon Czarny. Instrumental credit for the two free bonus promo tracks "Smoke a Big Blunt" and "Breaking Down the Walls" to DJ Quik and Erick Sermon along with Wu-Tang Clan.


Power of Truth Album Cassette USBs - Completed & OTW - Full Article, Video, & Plethora of Photos

The art contest/project I held on Hive for these was quite successful, yielding stellar results, and showcasing the myriad of talent the Hive-space has to offer. Seeing the manifestation of the immense collaboration, effort, and passion form into tangible, sacred relics, representing years of work from many talented souls, provides nothing short of immortalized pride and epic feelings of achievement.


Power of Truth Album Art Collaborative Project/Contest - Conclusion, Rewards, & Portfolio

I am usually humbled and experience high levels of gratitude when hosting art/design/logo contests similar to this one, but this particular event is much more personal than ever before, and I cannot thank each and every one of you enough, that has been involved with making this project a reality - promoters, sponsors, support from personal friends, and especially the artists! I know full well how much work and effort all your creations require, and I often feel that as good as my reward pools usually are, it's never quite enough in my mind. That is why I have decided to include some extra unannounced (until now) rewards for all the participants! I do this frequently in my more prominent contests (more info below... keep reading).


Self Owned Souls HIVE Community



A space for creatives of all positive vibrations to strait up do their THANG!
Post in this community when you are creating something original... literally anything that even has the possibility of positively influencing this existence. As long as it's yours - it's accepted, and of course collaborations are always encouraged. Link up here.
Collective website launch coming soon

I am way bullish on Elamental, are you? I love what he has done on and for HIVE! Before I finish this post I will leave you with a couple of links to explore more of his other posts on HIVE that demonstrate his drive and multi-faceted array of talents!

Who does not love NFTs?

Do you love art and want to get you some NFTs or mint them? Do not be afraid to use my referral link for @nftshowroom or just travel directly to their site!

Share your art posts with us!

Feel free to share your Art posts with us over at the @dynamichivers community, /created/hive-190059! Cross post your art posts with us or post directly into our community! We just ask that you at least tag neoxian and/or neoxian.city. Not required but you probably should, just saying! Find out more with link below!

Where do you fit into the City of Neoxian?

A lot of people come here and get sucked into the friendliness of our server. Some people want to take on roles in the city, others just want to chat and have a good time. There's nothing wrong with either!
What we haven't seen many of though is those wanting to create new roles and responsibilities for themselves in Neoxian City. Our Dragonmaster Neoxian is always open to new ideas.
Do you have a special talent? Let us see! Join our element chat.
-- we encourage growth here. What benefits us, also benefits you.
We have already started a School, A minetest server, A banking service, games, and so much more.
What can you bring to us?

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