Power of Truth Album Cassette USBs - Completed & OTW - Full Article, Video, & Plethora of Photos

Welcome to the Truth-Hop Music Movement Arena!


The art contest/project I held on Hive for these was quite successful, yielding stellar results, and showcasing the myriad of talent the Hive-space has to offer. Seeing the manifestation of the immense collaboration, effort, and passion form into tangible, sacred relics, representing years of work from many talented souls, provides nothing short of immortalized pride and epic feelings of achievement.


"Future-Retro" is the new wave (very new), and I am likely within the first 1000 artists worldwide that have implemented this medium of album manufacturing, and there was only one other artist I have ever met personally that printed albums in this format. Since many describe my style as "old school" (rightly so), this item-type suites my music perfectly.


I ordered 500 copies to start, and will hopefully order many more when distribution ascends. These photos are from the manufacturer, as I have not yet received the items, but they will however be shipped out in the next few days. I expect them to arrive sometime between early to mid December.


It feels really good to have phase 1 of 3 completed for my album product medium releases. In addition to the physical cassette USBs you see here, I will also be printing a physical album book with all the art submissions from the associated project/contest, along with various forms of cover-art posters (prints). For the posters, I want to print a regular colored version, a metallic version, and a lenticular (image shifting) version.



Aside from the metal/lenticular prints (limited), I will only be asking a $10 usd donation (plus shipping if mailed) for each item (cassette USBs, album books, and regular prints), and will make powerfully creative and super inexpensive seasonal holiday/Christmas gifts for any of your conscious/activist/music-lover friends and fam. I will likely be accepting a few forms of Hive currency for the album-items, possibly including a few tokens like #leo, #proofofbrain, #XCHAOS, #index, #ape, #hivepizza, and/or #BXT. I may adjust the crypto/token pricing slightly depending on where these projects' values land upon release, no peak-dumpings - please support and do not exploit.

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The official album release is scheduled about a week before Christmas eve (December 17th 2021), but many things must still first transpire to meet this deadline. I must finish writing/formatting my album book and publish the rest of the pages on Hive, publish an intermediate website to host the new album's audio files for digital download (likely just $5 for that) and a marketplace for the physical products, tag that site to the end of my completed 4k music video set to release with the album, receive the final two images from the winning artist in the album art contest for the lenticular prints, print all the posters, and of course have a publisher officially release my album on all streaming platforms. It sounds like a lot to do in two weeks, but it is totally accomplishable.


The most difficult phase of all this is finally behind me at last - achieving the finalized music files for the album's official release. The mixing stage was tedious and extremely time consuming (first time mixing my own album, I certainly learned a lot about production this year), but after just a few edits with the mastering studio (Foster Mastering - best mastering house in all of Oregon), I now have the final master tracks for Power of Truth ready for publication.


Although the USBs are complete, I must manually upload all the music and associated files to each drive once they arrive, which will take some time and teamwork. The following will be included on the cassette USBs: All song files for Power of Truth AND my debut album The Hex Wrecker in both WAV and MP3 formats, ELAmental Forces 4K music video file, a slew of images/photography from @ELAmental's journey, and a readme link-list to all associated Hive posts and artist blog links from the art contest.


The only thing left to consider is how to most appropriately utilize NFT's with this album release and my music/art in general. There is talk of possibly making an @ELAmental card in Hive's #RisingStar game, I am currently discovering how to harness the power of a couple newer projects - minting NFTs on @nfttunz & NFT Showroom. I will also be discussing music/art NFT options with @illuminaticongo and @kennyskitchen in the near future, including manifesting our own Hive-NFT project that we recently threw up on the drawing board (more on that later).


If you are interested in acquiring any of my album items and/or have any amazing ideas/links for how to mint and apply utility/perks to music and art based NFTs, please leave a comment below to start a discussion in the quest for artistic and mutually beneficial distribution evolution of our creative projects.


Bless the Method

Watch on LBRY:



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Links for Free Crypto Earning Accounts

| Splinterlands | Hive | Odysee - LBRY | Actifit - Fitness | Rising Star |

Links to Vital Crypto Resources

| Simpleswap - Low Trade Fees | Presearch - Search 2 Earn |

| NFT Showroom | Monster Market | Purse |


Enchanted Blessings - with Love, Truth, Respect, & Honor - @ELAmental.


Stay Tuned... Into the Right Frequencies

Free ELAmental Album: The Hex Wrecker

Free Single: Shift the Focus - from: Power of Truth

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