Amazing Drinks Contest: A toast to water! (Let’s celebrate World Water Day)


The element WATER is vital for all forms of LIFE on our planet Earth. Year after year there is a campaign for prevention, awareness, and control the use of. It is important to be active with each of the recommendations to take care of it, to make good use of it.

Globally this element is not available to all humans in different parts of the world. We in Venezuela in many sectors of the country do not have the vital liquid because of the pipes in houses, buildings, and urbanizations. This is another case of lack of water.

There are cases where even when the vital liquid arrives they misuse it or do not care how they manage its use or what containers they use to keep it, this is another story that we also know. When you have it and when you don't.

The drink that I bring today, the only story I can tell is when we were little and the doctor said madam, your son has low hemoglobin, you have to raise it and they recommended the 3 in 1, my mother made a jar but only for those who had to take it, just like a medicine in the medical recipe, how many glasses a day and for the number of days you should take it.

Nowadays the use of these drinks to nourish our body and make it as a liquid because it goes straight to where it needs to go is very common, not only with three ingredients but creativity flies and for the nutritional content we add ingredients that add vitamins and minerals to strengthen us and keep us hydrated.


I share a juice of different vegetables. For this we used

1 cucumber
1 carrot
1 orange
1 small beet
1 small bunch of celery (Spanish celery)


A fruit extractor was used to convert the fruits and vegetables to be used into liquid.


After washing the ingredients to be used very well...we started with the cucumber because of the amount of liquid it provides. Followed by the orange.




Here is the juice obtained from the cucumber and the orange.


It continues with the carrot, beet, and celery.



This picture shows the union of the ingredients chosen to turn them into liquids, and the glass with some ice to serve it, feeling the refreshing of the drink to be consumed.


The water turned into ice enhancing the freshness of this nutritious liquid that with its ingredients, brings with it many vitamins and minerals that contribute to the health of a hydrated organism.




The juice was shared with two people who were very satisfied when they consumed it because they felt freshness when drinking it in addition to the pleasant taste that they could perceive in their mouths.

Cover image. Edited in Canva. Photo property of the author. March, 2024
Photographs property of the author.
Dividers Source
Translator DeepL

Imagen de portada. Editada en Canva. Fotografía propiedad de la autora. Marzo, 2024
Fotografías propiedad de la autora
Divisores Fuente

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