Delicious Amazing Smoothie Juice Recipe Tutorial. A simple recipe

Everyone.I am @mdakash62

Friends,Grettings everyone

Hello here I am following natural fruit lovers. As we know above all, drinking food distributes nutrients very quickly in the human body. All nutritious foods are produced in the human body. Today I am following all drinkslovers through amazingdrinks community. The Creator is the greatest of all sentient beings, He has carefully sent all the natural things to the people of the whole world. Which is a daily requirement. Every day we search for different new fruits. Among these well-known fruits of today, I have chosen the healthy peanut. Also chose nutritious banana. Guava is a natural fruit full of qualities. With all this in mind, today's amazing smoothie juice recipe tutorial is here. You will happily enjoy this natural fruit. In order to keep the family healthy, eat natural fruits.

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Everyone likes to eat peanuts. Many of us think that peanuts usually cause weight gain. But it is not correct come we have no idea about correct. Nuts are extremely important in the health of the heart, including cancer in the human body. In addition, card nuts play an important role in controlling high blood pressure and diabetes. Peanuts generally reduce cholesterol levels along with weight control in the human body. Phosphorus in almonds above all gives the human body a sense of well-being. Guava is the combination of four apples and four lemons. But I have proven that those who have various stomach problems including indigestion and flatulence will get rid of this problem by eating guava. This guava has four times the vitamin C of the orange cycle. Potassium fiber is rich in calcium etc. You can eat one banana every day to stay healthy. Which will ultimately eliminate your fatigue throughout the day. We usually prepare different types of juice recipes in front of you to quench your thirst. Fast and healthy juice improves overall health. Bananas usually cause a lot of allergies throughout the day, from changing your vision.

Necessary Equipment:-

Salt in moderation
Like the amount of bit salt
120 grams of sugar
Banana 1 peach 80 grams
100 ml of water
20 grams of almonds

Here we know the scientific name of guava (Psidium guajava) and the scientific name of song nut is Terminalia catappa. Here we know if the throat is known as the scientific name (Musa sapientum).

Step by step making plan

Necessary used tools are kept close at hand. After that I showed the selfie with all the necessary materials. Here I have taken the banana and cut the back and front of the guava. Cut the required ingredients into two cubes. Shown here is a selfie.ছি।

Here first I cleaned the blender job well. Then I added the chopped bananas to the blender jug

Then I put the guavas in the jug of the blender. Here I put the chopped pieces of peanuts. Then I added salt as much. Then I added a bit of salt to taste.

Here I have added 120 grams of sugar.

Here I have given the amount of salt. After that I gave 120 ml of water. Also showed a selfie with the necessary materials. Here I have put the lid on the blender jug ​​properly.

Here I put the blender jug ​​in the blender. Then I made the electrical connection with the help of a two pin plug. Then I blended all the required ingredients well.

Here you can see all the ingredients are well blended by opening the lid of the blender. Then we sieved the necessary ingredients with strainer. Here I have separated guava seeds. Here is a selfie with a glass of juice.।

This is final making process

Finally we have prepared this Nutritious Banana Smoothie Juice Recipe with Guava and Cashews which is wonderful with great feeling. By following all these steps, you can prepare this wonderful recipe. These essential natural ingredients are above all healthy, which serve to fulfill the various nutritional needs of the human body. Natural fruits are best for staying healthy. We can qualify to eat healthy fruits by planting trees. One day a worthy fruit lover can eat proper healthy food by planting trees above all else. Juicing is the fastest way to absorb nutrients into the human body.

Selfie with my making idea

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All Prepared by @mdakash62

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