Amazing Apple Cool Plum Juice Recipe 20/02/2024

Everyone.I am @mdakash62
From #Bangladesh

Friends,Grettings everyone

Hello #amazingdrinkscommunity I respect your awesome and hard work.Also, I send love from the embrace of my heart to all hivars.Today I will show you how to make applecool plum juice through the M Amazing Drinks community.I hope you all like it. Let's do Canva.
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Juice is always very effective to quench the thirst of human body.We prepare juice in different ways.I think it's possible to make a very awesome juice craft in a short amount of time with this method.We make this applecool plum juice which is really possible in 10 minutes.Because we are thirsty many times.Unknown truth.So I think our lesson is here. A very quick juice preparation to satisfy instant thirst,which easily calms the soul and relieves physical fatigue.


  • Apple Cool Plum 200 grams
  • Sugar 60 grams
  • half the green chillies
  • Bit salt in moderation
  • Salt in moderation
  • Water 180 ml

Step by step making plan

✅Making process-01

First I took 200 grams of Apple Cool Big.Along with that, I took all the necessary materials at hand. I washed the plums with clean water. Cut the apples into nice size pieces with a knife.

I then washed the pills on the plate and poured the pills on the plate into the blender jug.
✅Making process-02

Then I cut the half chilies with a knife and put them in the jug of the blender.

Then I added a pinch of salt which made the taste incomparable.
✅Making process-03
Then I added 60 grams of sugar.You can add sugar as per your taste.
✅Making process-04
Then I added 180 grams of water.The amount of water should be kept right.This will make the taste more juicy
✅Making process-05
Next I put the lid on the blender jug.
✅Making process-06

Next I moved the blender closer to the power line connection. And connected the current with dry hand two pin plug.

Then I blended all the necessary ingredients well.
✅Making process-07
After that I washed everything necessary including the filter.I opened the lid of the jar to see if it was blended well.We can see it is well blended
✅Making process-08
Then we filter all the ingredients well with a strainer.And squeeze the juices into the glass by stirring well with a spoon.
✅Making process-09
This is final making process
Finally our applecool plum juice is ready. You can make apple cool juice with a wonderful new taste by remembering all these settings.
Selfie with my making Crafts

I have tried to innovate this apple cool plum juice which is very effective for quenching the thirst of the human body,which is able to quench my thirst.Especially the bit of salt used here and the cayenne pepper that goes with the salt,really broadens the flavor.Let us drink plum juice to quench our thirst instantly

Thank you for reading my creative article blog .Stay safe,stay happy.i think if you find any mistake in writing or something.Please allow me to correct it.And find me on social media.

Class#plum #juice photography
DeviceTecno spark 48 Ultra sensing all camera

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All Prepared by @mdakash62
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