Homemade Iced Matcha With Young Coconut Water

The goodness of matcha and young coconut water combined in a glass of freshness.


Disclaimer: This drink tastes bitter and may not be suitable for those of you who like sweets.

At first glance, this green drink might look like wheatgrass juice which doesn't taste good. But I can confirm that the matcha drink I make is better than wheatgrass. The bitter taste of matcha from quality matcha powder will be more acceptable to the tongue.


Again, if you have never been on a sugar diet, maybe this will be difficult for you. And, you will always think that “only drinks with sugar will always be good drinks”. On the other hand, for people who are used to a sugar diet or at least reduce their daily sugar intake, they will think that green drinks without sugar are delicious drinks like in general.

Indeed, life is constantly rotating and changing. When we are little we like sweet tastes, and as we grow up our preference for sweet tastes will change.

Back to the topic "Iced Matcha Drink With Young Coconut Water". I will mix matcha drink with young coconut water. Well, you can add coconut milk as well if you want to add a creamier texture.

I'm very happy that I've been enjoying homemade matcha drink, with no sugar. Usually, I have to drink matcha in the cafe.

Indeed, the equipment for brewing matcha in my kitchen is not complete, such as a bamboo matcha whisk. So, I just use a whisk in general to stir the matcha powder so that it mixes perfectly in warm water.


I am quite satisfied with the results of my homemade matcha drink. Even though I bought matcha powder with general quality, not the highest in quality, but the result was just perfect on my tongue. Like the ones I've drunk in cafes before. The most important thing is to make sure the matcha powder is imported from Japan.


For several days I have been drinking matcha drink in a warm version. So, I want to try another drink menu. I got the idea to make iced matcha with coconut. I still have a supply of fresh whole coconut.


fresh young coconut that has not been split and the water has not been extracted

Before making my idea a reality, I looked for ideas on YouTube to see if anyone had previously made a drink similar to my idea. I'm happy, it turns out there are many people who combine matcha with young coconut water also with young coconut flesh. Let's get started!

The Ingredients

  • 250 ml of young coconut water
  • 150 ml of warm water (70 degrees Celsius-80 degrees Celsius)
  • 5 grams of matcha powder
  • young coconut meat to taste
  • enough ice cubes for serving
  • (add natural sweetener if you like sweet taste)



First, I prepared young coconut. I opened the front of the coconut a little until the bald layer of the coconut was visible.

Once the layers of the coconut shell are visible, cut carefully until the coconut flesh is visible.

Carefully, pry off the coconut flesh, then remove the young coconut water.

From one young coconut, I can get 500 ml of young coconut water. Then, set it aside.



After successfully removing the young coconut water, I then split the coconut into two parts using a large machete.


Then, scoop a little young coconut flesh for garnishes. For the rest, use a fruit shaver for prettier results.



Spoon about 5 grams of matcha powder into the matcha. Then, add into a glass or bowl.

Brew the matcha powder with 150 ml of warm water. Prepare a stirrer, then beat the matcha until it is foamy and no more powder is visible at the bottom of the glass or bowl.




Prepare serving glasses. Add ice cubes


Then, arrange the young coconut flesh neatly on top of the cubes.


Then, pour half a glass of young coconut water. Leave room in the glass for matcha later.


Pour in the brewed matcha slowly. Then add young coconut flesh as a garnish.


Honestly, yep, I have to be honest that the taste of this drink is nothing special than your favorite sweet drink :). Just a little unique savory from the matcha powder. But soooo refreshing! Also, I get a sweet taste from fresh young coconut flesh. I like this newest variant of matcha, even though it's not sweet like most drinks.


For me, who is used to drinking bitter coffee without sugar, especially brewing ground black coffee. This is my favorite without sugar.

Tips that always work for me. Don't drink for the fun and pleasure of sugar. Because it's just a trick that ultimately leads us to bad health aspects. Because bitter is better. :)


Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.


Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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