Mini Dream Catcher

I always had a crazy corner in my heart for the cute stuffs even i had an art corner in my home where i place my all little stuff especially what made by me.

From a long time i never tried any handicraft because i was so busy in practicing other arts but today i got some free time to make an addition in my diy corner.

I was willing to make dream catcher since i wrote the story about dream catcher in inkwell fictional prompt. But because of my other activities the idea just slipped out of mind but today when i watched a small dream catcher at my YT shorts i got a new kick to make it out.

So without delay i started making it, otherwise being a dummy head I'll again forget to make it🙂...

Let's begin;


Material used includes; needle, woolen thread, beats, bangle, pointer for marking points.


I started making the dream catcher by folding the woolen thread on the bangle.

At end point of folding, secure the thread with a tight knot.

After that made a knot on the top of bangle with excess thread and cut the remaining

Now use needle and thread to make a star between the circle. The white dots are the pointing the 5 points of the star.

Now make another star between the one made before. Again white dots are highlighting the position of star.

Keep making the stars between the small stars until you will get a small mid point.

Add a thread straight in the direction of the holding thread on the top of bangle and also insert some beads in the thread.

Fold the thread 50 times on your fingers or on any hard cardboard paper.

I don't know the exact name of this thing but this is going to be use as hanging stuff in dream catcher.

Now simple attach the hanging stuff to the dream catcher with the help of thread and needle.

In last step i added a beat in the middle of the dream catcher to make it more attractive.
And here is the final results 👇

That's it for today will be back with another exciting idea soon... bye bye🤪

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