DIY| Shocked Clay Dog

When i was a kid i loved to make things out of clay. I used to make clay dolls and other crafts and then i play with them.

But as i grown up i rarely make something out of clay. I remember my last clay craft was about Miu that i have posted a month ago after that i never tried to make something out of clay.

After a long time today i decided to make something out of clay just to spend some time enjoying my childhood memories.

I decided to make clay dog~ I love dogs they can our best and most loyal friends.

It wasn't planed to make a shocked dog but when i was making Features of the face my cute dog turned into a shocked dog🀣... Never mind my painting skill is really so worst.

So let's begin,


I started making dog by mixing two different clays together. I wanted a light brown dog that's why i mixed brown shade with white.
After mixing i made legs of the dog

When i was done with dog i moved towards making the body of the dog. For making dogs body i shaped the clay in an avocado.

After making body i moved towards making hands of the dog. For making arms i molded clay same as i did in legs but the size is little small.

After that i fixed all things together and made a tail too.

When i was done completing lower body of the dog i moved towards the face of the character. For face i made a simple round ball and i pressed one side of ball a little.

After making face i made little ears of the dog.

Now attach face to the body of the dog and also attach ears to the face of the dog.
I made small cap for dog with pink clay and used a little white ball on it.

In last step, i made facial features of the dog and also added a belt in its neck.
And here is the final result πŸ‘‡

Another oneπŸ‘‡

Another oneπŸ‘‡

That's it for today will be back with another exciting idea soon 😁😜

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