Presenting countyside scenes with the help of clay

Whenever you want to generate any art, idea is the basic requirement. Without an idea and theme generated from that idea,the crafting of art pieces appears implausible. No doubt, the delicacy and artistic nature is crucial to manufacture any art but doing this without any clear theme is nearly impossible.

I live in a countryside area and we possess a pool near our house exclusively made for the watersupply of our buffaloes and cows. I will soon share about them as well in any of blog. We often visit that during daytime with my father.

When I was there, I saw a swan floating over the water of that large water tub. She or He (I am not sure) looked very beautiful in his movement and arouse the artistic desire of me to solidify this theme. Now there were two means : First I could have drawn it on paper and second was presenting it through clay.So what did I decided? Yes I opted second one.

These days I spend alot of time with clay. I make nails,ear rings and bracelet beans out of them. I have brought plenty of clay packets although I destroyed many of them due to my clumsiness and I play with them in my leisure time. So what did I made?

Let me tell u the procedure

Material used:

Birthday cake plate.


First of all I covered birthday cake plate with white paper.I keep such things safe to make useful things out of them.

Then I mixed white and blue clay to make water lines.

I cut the four sides of mask aside . And then I cut the white layer of mask into pieces.

I used white clay to make duck and put the white pieces of mask on white clay. Using white clay I made neck .

And with the help of green pencil colour I made it's branches and put the green dots on it and decorate it's sides with clay and it's ready.

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