Addition To My Business | Formal Earrings

Today i got order for making earrings out of beads. i want to my colllege last week and i found many of my previous class fellows who saw my new businesss which is of jewelry they all know about my art and artisitic nature as they spend alot of time with me. There are many girls who appericate our this step moreover there are some who loved it and ask me to make one for them.

Today i am creating earings for my colleague who always support us. I means our CR (class representative/monitor) i just recall all of our memories we all have in our small class room. i just remeber how she saves us from fine of incomplete uniform 😂 and she tells me what does actually a class representative means. There are so many people around us but some people are always capatative attrative they have another type of personality that mae you fan of them.

So thats for my CR lets start creating something special for her. First i was thinking i shoud give her this but my mom scolded me over this and told me not to give any thing as a gift 🫤 last time i have send free gift to my sister in law and now i am preparing free gift for my colleague.

So hiding from my mother i create this. sorry mom. sometimes and some people create so much value in your life they deserve treat or gift like this.

Lets start making her cute earring i choose black and white combination i know black and white goes with everything i means every color. Moreover i just wanna create some formal earrings for her so that she can wear them into college as well.

Material Require to made these Earrings :

  • Eyepin
  • Wire
  • Earring hooks
  • Jump ring
  • Black and White Beads

First i was thinking to create long earrings with the help of chain but thankgod that i just called her and ask what type of earings do you want she reply that i dont like wearing long earrings just make small one for me.

so these are all things i require to make this.

The procedure to make it was very easy but I made a lot of mistakes in it. I expect such blunders from myself. When I am tired, such things happen to me. It has ever happened to you that you want to do something, but because of tiredness, you cannot do it?? 😒

This is the move that proved so wrong for me.

I thought I would make the beads flower with the help of an eye pin but when I fixed the eye pin in it I realized that the eye pin is small and the beads are big so I won't be able to complete it.

Then I took the plastic wire and gave the beads a proper flower shape, the entire procedure is included in the video.

Now I had to keep it small so I attached a jumping ring to it and attached it to the hook and made it ready.

These were our small formal earrings.

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