The Goetschring

When I got out of the army, I put all my energy into music and started a band. We were called Running from Roscoe. I played lead and rhythm guitar and did the vocals, and we had bass, drums, and a trombone.

The trombone player was a metallurgist and jeweler by trade, and made this ring for me.


One day I was telling someone after a show about my favorite guitar pick, the Clayton Ultem, and Goetsch chimed in to ask if I had one I could give him.

The answer was easy: I have no idea why you’d want one of my favorite picks - but I love this eccentric artist - of course yes you can have one. I wondered if he was learning the guitar or something, figured he had some cool reason to ask for it, but ultimately gave him one of my special picks and quickly forgot about it.


Source, two images above

Over time, the chain broke (the same pick is still on there. These picks are beasts. I didn’t have a new chain, but I had a pack of split washers, so I made a chain using two washers per link. It’s not pretty, but I did that 8 years ago and it’s still holding up. Later I added the necklace clasp. I like those for all kinds of applications.

This ring, made by one of the finest friends a man could have, has been an integral part of my guitar playing for almost twenty years. Since he gave me this, I have used it almost exclusively. I can drop my pick and play with my fingers, and can swing it back up and catch it to use it again.

I even made a special holder for it in my guitar case (which was featured in my Dean EVO Instrument Porn post!):


I know that nothing stays with us forever, so I am grateful for every time I go to pull this out to play guitar, and find it is still with me.

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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