THANK YOU HIVE! Thanks to Hive's rewards I was able to buy food for the stray kittens! 😸❤️ (ESP/ENG)


Hola querida comunidad! || Hello dear community!

Hola a todos! Espero que estén bien y que su día haya sido maravilloso, yo estoy excelente gracias a Dios, feliz de poder compartir esta maravillosa noticia con ustedes!!! Como pudieron leer en el titulo de este post logramos comprar un saco de comida para gatos con las recompensas que recibieron estos post:

The rewards from this post will go to feed the stray kittens! 😸

Hey!, we need to feed these kittens! FUNDRAISER FOR STRAY CATS HERE! 😸

Feeding the stray kittens! 😸❤️

Los cuales realice con la unica intension de poder seguir alimentando a los gatitos callejeros que vienen hasta nuestro hogar para comer y beber agua, quiero agradecer de ante mano a todos aquellos que me ayudaron con la difusión de aquellos post, con sus palabras de aliento y votos, gracias al esfuerzo de todos nosotros estos angelitos tendrán comida para 2 meses, que felicidad!!!!.

Hello everyone! I hope you are well and that your day has been wonderful, I am excellent thanks to God, happy to share this wonderful news with you!!! As you could read in the title of this post we managed to buy a bag of cat food with the rewards that received these posts:

The rewards from this post will go to feed the stray kittens! 😸

Hey!, we need to feed these kittens! FUNDRAISER FOR STRAY CATS HERE! 😸

Feeding the stray kittens! 😸❤️

Which I made with the only intention of being able to continue feeding the stray kittens that come to our home to eat and drink water, I want to thank in advance to all those who helped me with the dissemination of those posts, with their words of encouragement and votes, thanks to the effort of all of us these little angels will have food for 2 months, what a happiness !!!!.







Quiero aclarar que no soy rescatista de animales ni me dedico a ello, no es necesario serlo para tener compasión y sentir amor por ayudar a otro ser vivo, por ello mi pareja principalmente y yo nos hemos dedicado a alimentar a los gatitos callejeros cada vez que podemos, volviendo al tema una vez logramos reunir el dinero con la ayuda de las recompensas en Hive nos dirigimos a 🐾Isla Pets🐾 quienes amablemente nos recibieron para poder hacer la compra de un saco de gatarina, como somos clientes frecuentes ya existe confianza así que nos dijeron que nos llevarían a casa el saco de gatarina, salimos felices por que ya casi no quedaba comida para los gatitos callejeros en casa.

I want to clarify that I am not an animal rescuer and I am not dedicated to it, it is not necessary to be one to have compassion and feel love to help another living being, that is why my partner and I have dedicated ourselves to feed the stray kittens whenever we can, returning to the subject once we managed to raise the money with the help of the rewards in Hive we went to 🐾Isla Pets🐾 who kindly received us to be able to make the purchase of a sack of cat food, as we are frequent customers there is already confidence so they told us that they would take us home the sack of cat food, we left happy because there was almost no food left for the stray kittens at home.




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Llego la comida a casa! Con mucha emoción recibimos la gatarina de estos angelitos quienes estaban atentos y curiosos, es un saco de 38 libras que nos costo 60$, los cuales pude pagar al vender mis Hive en Binance.

The food arrived home! With much excitement we received the food cat from these little angels who were attentive and curious, it is a 38 pound sack that cost us 60$, which I was able to pay by selling my Hive in Binance.





Esa misma noche vinieron a comer solo 7 gatos, en total son 13 pero la mayoría del tiempo vienen en días variados, por supuesto no solo alimentamos a estos gatitos que vienen voluntariamente hasta nuestro hogar también solemos llevar comida a todos lados, a los parques cuando paseamos, cuando salimos a hacer diligencias o de compras, siempre tenemos de esta gatarina para alimentar a cualquier gatito que veamos en la calle como por ejemplo estos dos que logramos alimentar a las fueras de un taller y frente a un local de repuestos, cabe destacar que las recompensas de este post van directo a una cuenta de ahorro donde poco a poco reunimos dinero para poder volver a comprar comida para ellos, recuerden que no necesariamente debemos dedicarnos a esto, basta con alimentar a los que este a tu alcance, seamos luz para estos angelitos que tanto nos necesitan! Gracias Hive por tanto amor y apoyo! Feliz día a todos! 🙌❤️

That same night only 7 cats came to eat, in total there are 13 but most of the time they come on different days, of course we not only feed these kittens that come voluntarily to our home we also usually take food everywhere, to the parks when we walk, when we go out to run errands or shopping, we always have this food cat to feed any kitten we see in the street as for example these two that we managed to feed outside a garage and in front of a local spare parts store, it should be noted that the rewards of this post go directly to a savings account where little by little we collect money to buy food for them, remember that we do not necessarily have to dedicate ourselves to this, just feed those who are within your reach, let's be light for these little angels who need us so much! Thank you Hive for so much love and support! Happy day to all! 🙌❤️





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