Y Nos Fuimos Pa' la Expo! [ESP-ING]


Hola amigos espero estén bien, y que hayan pasado un divertido fin de semana, yo tengo varias historias que contarles sobre mi fin de semana, pero lo primero es lo primero mi experiencia en el súper evento de la expo digital Barquisimeto. Este evento estaba número uno en mi lista de cosas que hacer, se presentaron varios inconvenientes, salieron compromisos laborales, pero se logró la meta asistir aunque fueran unas pocas horas para compartir con personas maravillosas.


Llegamos a la expo hablo en plural porque me lleve a mi esposo (bueno, más bien el me llevo a mi, el que maneja es el), entramos al salón donde se desarrollaba toda la actividad, se podía sentir un ambiente bien agradable, alegre, todos conversaban alrededor de las diferentes exhibiciones, fuimos caminando, observando diferentes empresas que mostraban sus productos, mi esposo trabaja con tecnología (cámaras, computadoras) pues se quedó observando cosas que le interesaban, yo continuaba caminando ansiosa por llegar hasta donde estaban los hivers, que estaban hasta el final, frente al sitio donde hacían las ponencias. Los colores, el logo y por supuesto la alegría y efusividad de cada miembro de la comunidad, resaltaba por encima de todos.

Me acerque a saludar a @wbrandt, quien me había estado contando día a día como estaba la movida en la expo, la receptividad de la gente, me dijo que él estaba encargado de parte de la logística, la cual es agotadora pero satisfactoria, una vez allí no iba a perder la oportunidad de conocer a @soy-laloreto quien fue y es mi mentora, la que a veces amenaza con darme mis chancletazos, por mi culpa! obvio, también conocí a @filoriologo y a otros hivers encantadores incluso hasta viven cerca de mi casa como @Tsunsica! Vi a otros que conozco por sus publicaciones pero me dio penita acercarme, porque estaban conversando. Estuve un buen rato esperando ver a @eliigonzalez y a @eliudgnzlz pero no coincidimos, será para la próxima.

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Vi varias ponencia ayer, sin embargo la de @ZullyScott las supero por mucho, se notaba que ella estaba en su elemento, que le daba felicidad lo que estaba contándonos, que simplemente era parte de ella. Como nos dijo en un principio nos contó que es HIVE a través de su historia, y como desde hace 5 años ha ido creciendo dentro de esta gran comunidad, no tuve la oportunidad de ver la otra ponencia de HIVE, eso me da nostalgia, pero estoy segura que estuvo a este nivel, hicieron un gran trabajo las horas que estuve allí sentí que destacaron dentro de la expo. Felicidades.

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Casi se me pasa por alto contarles que la gente de Hive Barquisimeto, cumple lo que promete me dieron un bolsitos con unos obsequios que me gustaron mucho, y además un chocolate que estaba delicioso, oscuro con un rellenito que se te derrite en la boca, deberían promocionar la barra grande de ese chocolate puede ser adictivo. Fue una gran experiencia asistir a la Expo, ver cómo la gente se interesa en HIVE de manera espontánea, como la alegría y el optimismo de cada miembro son contagiosos, te inyectan una dosis de energía positiva de ganas de seguir creciendo dentro de esta familia. Gracias por la invitación.

Fotos tomadas por mí en mi equipo Redmi 9C editadas en CANVA.


English Version


Hello friends I hope you are well, and that you had a fun weekend, I have several stories to tell you about my weekend, but first things first my experience in the super event of the digital expo Barquisimeto. This event was number one on my list of things to do, there were several inconveniences, work commitments, but the goal was achieved to attend even if it was a few hours to share with wonderful people.


We arrived at the expo I speak in plural because I took my husband (well, rather he took me, he is the one who drives), we entered the hall where all the activity was taking place, you could feel a very pleasant, cheerful atmosphere, everyone was talking around the different exhibits, we were walking, My husband works with technology (cameras, computers) so he kept looking at things that interested him, I continued walking anxious to get to where the hivers were, which were at the end, in front of the place where they made the presentations. The colors, the logo and of course the joy and effusiveness of each member of the community, stood out above all.

I went to greet @wbrandt, who had been telling me day by day how the expo was going, the receptivity of the people, he told me that he was in charge of part of the logistics, which is exhausting but satisfying, once there I was not going to miss the opportunity to meet @soy-laloreto who was and is my mentor, who sometimes threatens to give me my flip-flops, because of me! obviously, I also met @filoriologo and other lovely hivers even they even live near my house like @Tsunsica! I saw others that I know from their posts but I was too embarrassed to approach, because they were chatting. I was waiting a long time to see @eliigonzalez and @eliudgnzlz but we didn't coincide, it will be for next time.

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I saw several presentations yesterday, however @ZullyScott's was much better, you could tell that she was in her element, that she was happy with what she was telling us, that it was simply part of her. As she told us in the beginning she told us what HIVE is through its history, and how for the last 5 years it has been growing within this great community, I did not have the opportunity to see the other HIVE presentations, that makes me nostalgic, but I am sure that all were at this level, they did a great job the hours I was there I felt that they stood out within the expo. Congratulations.

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I almost forgot to tell you that the people of Hive Barquisimeto, fulfills what they promise, they gave me a little bag with some gifts that I really liked, and also a chocolate that was delicious, dark with a little filling that melts in your mouth, they should promote the big bar of that chocolate, it can be addictive. It was a great experience to attend the Expo, to see how people are interested in HIVE spontaneously, how the joy and optimism of each member is contagious, they inject you with a dose of positive energy and the desire to continue growing within this family. Thank you for the invitation.

Photos taken by me on my Redmi 9C edited in CANVA.


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