Full body explosivo./ Full body explosive


Saludos comunidad de full deportes, nuevamente vengo activa Para compartirle un entrenamiento Variado de movimientos básicos, que tonificara mucho nuestro cuerpo, se trata de un full body dede casa con ejercicios muy fáciles para trabajar parte del tren superior, inferior y abdomen, esta rutina la realice durante 4 series de 25 repeticiones, consiste en realizar una buena técnica y mantener todas las repeticiones, recomiendo, acondicionar antes de entrenar y mantener una alimentación balanceada sin decir mas comencemos.

Greetings full sports community, I am active again.
To share with you a workout
Varied basic movements that will tone our body a lot, it is a full body from home with very easy exercises to work part of the upper and lower body and abdomen, this routine was performed for 4 sets of 25 repetitions, is to perform a good technique and maintain all repetitions, I recommend, condition before training and maintain a balanced diet without saying more we start.
I recommend, conditioning before training and maintaining a balanced diet without saying more let's start.

Imagenes tomadas desde telefono Redmi note4./Images taken from Redmi note 4 phone.

Imagenes editadas en
Canva/Images edited in Canva

Música:[deportes extremos]Música: deportes extremos

Hasta un nuevo video./Until a new video.

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