Time for a Night Out with my Big Sis at IL Corso, Cebu

Hello Everyone here in the Hive community! Hope you’re all doing fine and great! Its been awhile since we had a time together with my “Ate” (Big Sister). For today, I will be sharing with all of you our night out together with my sister. Just a trivia, we have a 10 year age gap, so guess our age hahaha. With our big age difference, we have some things that we cannot do, she already have her own family with 2 kids, while me still finishing my degree.

A lot of people say that its really interesting to have that kind of age gap, some says that its sad to have a 10 year age gap since you cannot be in one place together. But in reality, its not, my sister let me feel that she can still be with me everytime I need a big sister beside me. She’s still young at heart though so its not hard for us to cope up and be together hahaha😄. We have a lot of similarities in terms of what we like, before people always compares us to each other, like who’s smarter, who’s prettier and who’s the favorite, but we never let those words from others affect our relationship. She always remind me that don’t mind what other people will say, because they don’t know the true story behind us.





She came here in Cebu to have and build her own family, while im in Bicol, I was so sad that time, since im an “Ate’s girl”, its just so sad that she left me way back before but happy at the same time since she’s building her own family. Years after, when I was in 8th grade in high school, I talked to her if I can study in Cebu, and she decided that I can live with her. It was a long process since our parents won’t let me go because I was still so young that time. But months after, our parents agreed and accompanied me here in Cebu. It was so hard for me to cope up with everything, since it’s a new place, new language, new culture, new people and new environment. My sister help me all throughout, I can’t forget the time she gave me a map, she drew the roads of where I should walk and take a jeepney so that I can go alone. I was so scared that time since im not used to and I don’t have any idea how to take a public transportation, because Im used to be fetch by our school service in high school. But then after that I was so thankful since I experience the things that I can’t imagine I can do hahaha😄.

Its been years that we’re together without the guidance of our parents, just me and her. We help and look out for each other. We became more than a sister, we became the best of friend. Our 10 year age gap is not a hindrance for us craziness, we’re always together, we share everything, in happiness and even in sadness. I already in my college year now, and I became so busy, there are times that I cannot go with her, she keeps on insisting that we should go out once in a while and I just say that maybe next time, she understand everything.






To tell you honestly, our night out was not planned. I came home at 7 in the evening, and study right after I took my night bath. My sister talked to me and she said that maybe we can just relax just for awhile, I said that im busy and I need to finish my work, `but she insisted because she said that she need to relax because she was so stressed for the past few weeks, i go with her and spend our night out together. Il Corso is one of our favorite place to relax and de-stress. We had a spicy noodle and a bottle of flavored beer. She was so happy that time, I can see it in the way she vibe with the band.

Il Corso have different food stalls and restaurant, we came to a stall that has a live band. We were so happy that night, we were able to have our night out together. No matter how busy are, we should always check the people that surrounds us and have some time with them.

Hope you enjoyed our little night out
Always take care and just smile,
Love, from zel diaries 💜🌻

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