A Great Day for a Good Adventure

Hello once again readers, I’m back with another blog, I thomasino hope that you will like my today’s blog as it shows my experience as I travel to the city in Cebu Transcentral Highway for the first time on a motorcycle.

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We departed early morning with my father as he prefers it early because it's still cold compared to mid-day where it's scorching hot and there will be more time for us to travel. As someone who enjoys traveling, I was eager to go with him immediately when he asked me to go with him, especially since I was new to that place and never went there. Our path on going to the city is different from others, instead of going to the closer path we prefer the further one since its quieter and less rowdy even though it is more distanced it’s okay since the purpose of this is to travel.


As we were traveling, we had our first break and we saw this view of the mountainside where I found it peaceful with the breeze blowing my face as I stood and had our short rest. Though this break was short since there’s still a long way to go, I appreciated it considering that the view was great.


We continued to travel across different places in rural areas where we also saw the sea and the Island of Negros though its not that visible due to the clouds covering. After finding a good place to take our second break we sat down on some bench and watched the ocean as it’s still early in the morning therefore it’s not that hot. The second break was longer since it was a good place, but the adventure has to continue and after a few minutes we continue our travel.


A little while later we had our breakfast at Jollibee Balamban and made it as our third rest before we went to our new route which is the Transcentral Highway. When we continued our path, it was very nice. My first impression was it was colder compared to the place we have been before, and the highway became steeper, and we reached into a higher altitude the views were visible and it was beautiful. The mountains and the sea that can be seen are stunning and very clear due to the perfect weather. With this we took a small break to enjoy it for a while.




The highway that we went through was more steeper than what I expected as eventually the clouds became closer to us and the temperature dropped even more. So, we stopped for a while so we can also look at the views its was only for a few minutes since after this we thought of going to the Temple of Leah since its also a popular place to go from other tourists.


After we got lost and asking a few people for directions we finally arrived at the location and my first impression is that its big. Like before we even enter the place seeing its foundations, I can say that it is a big infrastructure and is also well built. When we entered there was also an entrance fee which is understandable, but its all worth it because its has some really nice views and you can also see the views from Cebu City.


This is the Temple of Leah situated in the mountains of Cebu in Barangay Busay as I looked at it I immediately fell for its architectural design with its similarity to ancient Greek architecture and I also felt disappointed on how there is Porche that is just sitting behind to rust besides the building. But other than that inside the building is as beautiful as the outside.



Upon having a closer look inside there is a statue dedicated to the mother of the owner the temple which show her story and her family. With its golden color and the golden statues playing the trumpet and the lions guarding besides the entrance makes it even more beautiful which attracts the people as there where many people visiting the place also touring it an taking pictures as one group of people asked me to take a photo for them as there where no other to take the photo for them.



With the breathtaking views of the city we took a rest on their seats besides the terace so we can enjoy the view and have a good time to recover ourselves from our long travel. With time passing by it was almost lunch so we exited and go to eat on some restaurant in that we find good in downtown since there are many known restaurants there where the food is good.


As we go to the restaurant I also saw tis building with a cool design with its wavy like exterior and the woody color on the lower floor which makes it nice and also stands out compared with the other buildings besides it as it is situated in the middle of many buildings.


After having our lunch we continued our journey and went to some places that I have not been yet since I also want to go to new places and I can also be more familiar with the places since Im about to go to college and my father wants me to be familiar. With is both being satisfied with our journey it is time that we go home as we had a long day, though we'll be staying at my uncles home it was still quite distanced from where we are.

As we arrived we took some rest since in the evening we will go to the sea and enjoy the breeze, and for some unexpected reason there was a celebration and they had some fireworks and it was really beautiful and a good way to end my day.

With this journey being a success I can say that its not about getting to the destination but about the journey and experience that you have gathered and gained while doing it and themost important part is that you enjoyed the journey and that’s all.



Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you liked it and see you all for my next blog.

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