Self Photo Studio & New found Coffee Shop!

Hey everyone! I'm back, and it's Sheree here, hahaha. it's been such a long time since our last post here. I got pretty busy with work and our graduation last week. 😉 But this time, I won't be sharing about graduation...

We all know that adjusting to the work industry can be tough, especially when you're transitioning from being a broke student to a money slave, hahaha. Well, as a fresh graduate with no prior work experience, I'm still at the starting salary stage. They say your experience at work really matters, and sometimes it depends on the company. I don't really get why that is; I mean, can't you excel and keep up with those who have more experience? These are just my sentiments.

But my post today isn't about that, hahaha, it just crossed my mind as I was creating content.🤣

Selfie Mirror before we start

So, since our graduation is approaching, you know graduation photoshoots are a must. As soon as they announced the prices, I told my parents how much it would cost hehe. I opted for the basic package at our school and planned with my friends that instead of paying extra for an individual package, why not try a self-photoshoot studio that's good for four people but costs the same as one person in the extra school package? Hehe.

Our behind the scenes hahaha

We found one in Pasig City that was super affordable, and guess what? You get VIP treatment, an extra hour in the studio, and free use of their photobooth accessories.

The studio was a bit small, but we didn't mind; what mattered was the quality. As another group was waiting, we had to make the most of our limited time and take those pictures quickly even though we would have liked to extend our session.


Here are our couple shots and our group picture. (By the way, in case you're curious, they're my fellow student leaders, which is why we're wearing matching outfits hahaha).

Right after our shoot, it's hard not to get hungry, especially since we were in Pasig. We wanted something other than fast food because we were tired of the same old stuff. So, we stumbled upon a new coffee shop. 😊

CHN CAFE Located in Pasig City

We love discovering new coffee shops, especially when they support local farmers. So when we walked in, we were surprised; it was spacious, hahaha. That was not what we anticipated because we assumed it would be small and crowded.😁

It was very Instagram-worthy! The aesthetics were on point! They had this space for friends to hang out with Indian seats and pillows. They also had board and card games you could play while sipping coffee with your buddies.



Menu of their food and drinks

We quickly ordered drinks and food because more customers were coming in. We got the double chocolate, Spanish latte, and French vanilla latte with sandwiches and fries. I highly recommend their food and drinks; it was worth every penny, and they served us promptly.😋

During times like this, when it's rainy and cold, isn't it just the best to chill and have coffee while chatting? What do you guys do on rainy days, besides Netflix and chilling at home or binge-watching K-dramas?😉

All images are mine unless stated otherwise.

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