My Improvised Caroling Instruments using Bottle Caps


After singing Christmas Song to their hearts' content, this one will be heard from the kids caroling in every house. If, by chance, this kid is a bit naughty, instead of saying "ANG BABAIT NINYO!" They will instead say, "Ang babarat ninyo!" Lol.

Image Edited in Canva with Free Templates.

I still remember those kids during the Christmas season who would pass by our house and sing a Christmas song. They have that favorite song, which I often hear from those kids for the reason that they can easily memorize it. It's called "Mamamasko Po."

Sa maybahay ang aming bati
"Merry Christmas" na maluwalhati
Ang pag-ibig ‘pag siyang naghari
Araw-araw ay magiging Paskong lagi

It is the most used song by those kids, including "Ang Pasko ay Sumapit" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," though they will just repeatedly sing this line, lol. It is fun watching those kids; I was so jealous of them before because I couldn't do that.

They have "lakas ng loob" or the courage to do that while I am there. I'm afraid to do it because of Mom. I remember what she said, "Am I not giving you enough? Am I starving you?" That's when I said I wanted to try it. It marks in my head that I just trying anything.

But, even if I can't do that, just for experience and the fun on doing it. I still tried the most commonly used improvised instruments for kids then. I can only use it in our house while trying to make a sound out of it. I don't know who taught me how to do that, but I tried it.


I did this one in a hurry, which is why it looks like shite, but this is my improvised caroling instrument made with a tansan or bottle cap. Kids can just sing acapella, but singing with this is the best. I find them worth it to give more coins.


Doing it is really easy. You just need a few things to create our improvised carol instruments. (1) Bottle cap, (2) Nails, (3) Claw Hammer, and (4) Alambre or Wires.


I can't find a good nail in our house, which is why this nail looks trashy, haha. It's an old one, Kasi. But I found one in the end; I saw my mother's "Sabitan," so I just pulled it off, ahahahaha. Para-paraan mga besh.


After completing all the tansan we need, we have to flatten it using our "Martilyo" or claw hammer. like this on that picture. What I did here is really ugly, but this will do. We also need to remove that rubber on that upper part so it can produce a more powerful sound.


And after flattening it all, you can now get the nail to make a hole in the center (with an accent) by hammering it. Just look at the picture above. Just like that, you can do that to the other bottle caps after you finish them.


And done! Lucky me, I was able to get this much bottle cap. This is already enough to create a sound. So you can sing with a little melody thanks to this.


And tadaaaaaaaan! the finished product. Making this was like a little bonding with my friends as a kid. We can't really sing outside, to a house, but we can do it in our home.


And speaking of "Nangngaroling," When I heard these people singing Christmas songs in front of our store, I ran faster into my parents' room to take a picture of them. But then, they didn't stay long. There are some that, even if they only sing 2 or 3 lines, when you give them the money, they will just finish it and go to the next house. That is why they sometimes waited for them to finish the songs before they gave them the money.

If you are interested to the sound it could make, here's the video of it. Sorry, I should've done better, but this will do. I really want to sing but I'm afraid that the storm will wreck havoc in the world. I want to avoid that, so...


And lastly, let me share this cutie who help me in on delaying my work, lol.

This is my Entry for the 3rd week Contest in HivePH with the topic: Caroling Experiences! The pandemic took this away from us. Do you think they're coming back this month? Nangaroling ka ba dati? Sample naman.



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