Dear Love: I don't put it into words, I show it through my actions.

It's funny how I effortlessly put into words the love I had for my ex, but for my own family, I can't do it easily. The feeling is like I have a big lump in my throat that's stopping me from using my mouth to say it face-to-face with them. It is just so hard to open my mouth to say it all, to be honest.

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I still remember that time I had with my last boyfriend, almost 7 years ago. And how I can whisper sweet nothings to him, assuring him how much I like him, but that was in chat, text, or call. It's easy doing it that way and to pass it on to him or make him feel it, I will just use my finger to let him know.

As for a call, I don't take calls that often. I hate calls, ever! and they know that. I can use my finger to type all the messages I want to tell them, but not in a call. I am a silent type of person, and I hate talking. "Let's just let our fingers do the talking and not our mouth," lol. Yes, yes, that's me, lol.

And yes, again, I don't know how to express my feelings to them without being embarrassed, so I will just tell it that way. But this is only for my boyfriend; as for my family, we are really not vocal about showing our love to each other. But I know that they love me as much as I love them.


And, just so you know, I only said "I love you" to my mother once; that was graduation day. I don't know; I just blurted it out to them; even Mommy D got surprised when I said it. I just want to let them know how thankful I am. If you'll remember, I shared in my recent article how I resented them.

But all of my hatred vanished after I finished school. I love them all, and I am very thankful to them, and I know they feel it. I just let them feel it through my actions. I also chose to stay here with them because I want to take care of them. They are already old, so doing this is surely a big help.

And that's another way to let them know that I love them. I nag at them when I see that they are already neglecting their health by eating food that is not allowed to them. Through this, I can let them know that I care and that I want them to take care of themselves. I still want to be with them.


I get mad if I have to; I say what I want to say to them, but only with the purpose that I want them to love themselves more. I remind them of this and that to show that I give attention to them. My way is kind of twisted, but I know they understand me. I only want the best for them, as they do for me.

I don't need to say it all because I can just show it through my actions. I greet them on every birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and any other celebration that will pass by. I hug and kiss them as a show of love. A simple act, but enough to make them feel special, loved, and cared for.

And we already have such a strong connection to each other that we don't need to say it all. Just look at it and feel it. and that's how I care for them. That's how I feel about them, love. That is my way, or our way.

So yeah, that's how we love.

How about you?


And here's my tree motherbels. I am single and not ready to mingle that is why I am putting all my love to them, of course that includes my siblings hehe. We are not sweet to each other but we care.


This is my Entry for HivePh Contest with the Theme: Dear Love. It has 4 different sub topic and I chose "Showing and Giving Love." If you want to join you still have 17 hours to write yours, that's plenty. So feel free to tap the blue link above and Good Luck.

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