A Short Tour In My Organic Garden


All of us loves to do Gardening and as for that, it keeps us enjoyed and have a fun time taking care of our vegetables. For today's blog, I want to take a short tour in my Organic Garden. I temporarily did not went back abroad and I choosed to stay together with Family. To get myself kind of busy situations and productive in everyday life, I decided to make a simple Garden here in our Backyard.

I tried to plant some vegetables that are very expensive in the Market, I really sis not sure if this vegetables can grows healthy and perfectly here but atleast I tried. First, I would like to share my Pechay plants and Some of it are already planted in the vegetable plot. It takes me many days of waiting until this pechay plants can be abled to transfer in the Garden plot.


At first, me and my husband make a garden plot just for my pechay plant and we are very happy because the pechay seeds was given by the Municipal Agriculture here. Its been many months since I did not go back to abroad and instead I spend my time with my family and here in our Farm. First we make a garden plot and add some dry leaves and saw dust, we let it decomposed covered with this sacks while waiting for the pechay to grow taller and ready to transfer. As when materials are already decomposed, and as when the pechay plant grows and ready to transfer, we proceed to plant it but before that, we make a whole in the sacks.

This kind of methods can help the soil to stay moist and wet because it covers with sacks and cannot be directed by the extremely heat of the sunlight.


The rest of the young pechay plants are not yet it transferred in the garden plots and we need to look for another area were we can put the vegetable plot. As I checked my recycled seedling tray, all of it are perfectly transfer and it should really done this. Taking care of pechay is more tricky and it needs to checked the leaves everyday. Appids are fun leaving on this kind of vegetables and it can easily rotted and withered. It needs watered 4 times a week and must be cultivated and pulverized the soil surrounds in this vegetables.


This kind of vegetables is perfect for salad dish. It grows everywhere and it can also survived in an extremely heat by the sunlight. I also plant this vegetables because we really love to eat salad. By planting this, the tubers must be place in the fertile soil and the sprouts will comes out within one week. This can be propegated very fast and a kind of vine plants. We called this vegetable, Kamote Taps. It contains many kinds of minerals that needs in our body and good for those people who suffered Anemia.


We have lots of empty sacks here and some of it are already reused as a vegetables pot. I planted Okra in this empty sacks and I am very happy that my Okra vegetables are grown tall and healthy. By next month, it will produce okra and the thing I also do is to monitored and always checking if there are appids hiding on it. I also make an organic pesticides just like chilli peppers and water. I crushed more chilli peppers and add in the water and I sprayed to the plants that have lots of appids. By putting this in a empty sack, it can easily removed the soil and replace new one.



This are my spinachs vegetables and It was newly planted here in the Garden. This kind of vegetables is good for stews that is why I planted more. I was very happy to see this young leaves and sprouts showed truly it can make me proud of myself by seeing this. My fruit of labor is already slowly shown up. I make a big whole in the ground and the exact deep and plant it.


My chilli pepper plants are also grows tall and healthy. Having an own garden is very perfect, we can surely eat vegetables that are chemical free and aside of that, we can get some good physical benefits just like a simple exercises and get rid our boredom situations.

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