Balayong Bridge, Pamplona, Negros

"Travel is the bridge between you and everything."


True to say, when we travel, we get to see everything our eyes can reach. Traveling connects us not just to places, but also to people, their rich culture and history. It opens our eyes to opportunities and possibilities. Moreover, traveling provides us memories and experiences that we will be happy to look back one of these days.


Negros Island is not just rich in beautiful destinations situated on top of the mountain. The island is a gem possessing beautiful falls, lakes and rivers. In all places that I visited in Negros, I have always come across with bridges, not just small bridges but huge ones. One of the bridges that we passed by going to Cafe Alicia and Mountain Chapel is Balayong Bridge.


I went out of the vehicle and did not hesitate to take photos of the bridge and the river. The river is huge. I can see the shiny, round and big stones along the river. I could not imagine how big the river can get during rainy season and when storm rages on. It could swallow several storey buildings with its huge mouth. Rivers are treasures but during bad weather, it could be disastrous.





Specific load limits are placed. With it's strong foundation, I think the bridge could hold up even more. And since I think that the foundation is firm, the bridge could survive even the largest current of water flowing in it.


No matter how big waters came rushing in, this bridge will remain strong in connecting places. May we also be like bridges, who connect people regardless of status in life. Let's not also forget the Hive is our bridge in being part of each other's journey here. Just like a bridge that connects places, Hive also connects people from various places around the globe. That's why we're here and we know each other.


This is all for today's blog. Be safe, everyone. Until the netswriting.

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