Project School Supplies 3 (Details and Expenses)


I have never been confident in my life. I have always been afraid of what people might say or might see about me. What if they judge me wrong or discriminate against my capacity for what to do? I'm not an outgoing type of person so being stood out in a crowd is not good for me. When I start to think that those eyes that surround me are the only ones being watched off and that is in me. I felt like melting slowly and eventually wanted to disappear. That's what kind of person I am but I don't understand myself as well. When @chrisrice told me to search for a school that needs help with school supplies. I felt so arrogant that I stood up immediately and accepted the task without thinking about the hassle it could be.

I have always known that asking for support to help is nothing but a drag. But I never thought that this could be this hard and embarrassing. You are misunderstood if not, maybe being doubted. Actually, there are no hard feelings about it because scammers are everywhere on the internet. Obviously, someone who wants to support you is just being sure of if you are a trustworthy person. Imagine, money is involved and not only that, you are a complete stranger to one another. Even so, I finally understood what those criticisms were, if not, distrusting questions. It's just a way to let the people who will support you trust you.

Maybe, I'm still thankful to @dlmmqb for suspecting me. Even though it hurts me emotionally, (sorry, I just don't know how to handle my emotions) it helped me to learn what I should do if you are asking for support. You need to prove to them that you are not doing imaginary things. You should provide proof and believable details about what kind of project you are doing. That's why it gave me an idea of what to do to prove that what I'm asking for support is truly for these children to have school supplies. Immediately I contacted the teacher, the one that I interviewed in my video about the status of the students in this school. She responded to me and that is why I can now provide more information and the possible expenses.

So, there are overall 59 students in that elementary school. This is just a small school so obviously the population is just small and that is why I chose this one.

Number of all year level students

Nursery - 10 students
Kindergarten - 10 students
Grade 1 - 6 students
Grade 2 - 3 students
Grade 3 - 4 students
Grade 4 - 12 students
Grade 5 - 7 students
Grade 6 - 7 students

According to the teacher, in every year level they have 8 subjects, so of course, in every year level, a student should have 8 notebooks. I will do the computation later, let's get to know the important details first.

Every student should have a bundle of paper as well. This time I think every student only has 6 bundles of paper in the whole semester or maybe a whole year. Not sure about this because the teacher was unsure as well how many papers they needed. By the way, this paper is used for taking exams, assignments and homework. It's different from the usage of a notebook, just to be clear.

From Nursery year level to Grade 3, these students are only using pencils in writing. I suggest that every student have at least 10 pencils each. You can see the information on the number of students above how many students can have 10 pencils each.

From Grade 4 to Grade 6, they are now using pens in writing. Just like the quantity of pencils, every student in these grades should have 10 pens each.

For now, these school supplies are just the basics necessary for attending school. There are teachers who told me that if it's alright, there should be a school bag as well because most students that are going to school don't have one. They saw students using a plastic cellophane in bringing their school supplies. I thought this would be a huge amount of money because the bag is multiple expensive from notebooks, papers, pens and pencils. I didn't give them assumptions about bags because I thought it would be hard to achieve.


Let's do the computation then for "NOTEBOOK."

59×8 = 472 notebooks

There are 59 students and every one of them requires 8 notebooks.

472×30 = 14,160.00 pesos

1 notebook costs 30 pesos but I want you to understand that the price of an ordinary notebook is between 25 - 30 pesos. I used the 30 pesos because I'm not sure if there will be a cheaper one since the classes have started already.


59×6 = 354 papers

Every student should have 6 bundles of paper with different types of paper levels.

354×28 = 9,912.00 pesos

1 bundle of paper costs from 25 to 28 and again, the higher price is what we should be targeted first. This is again just an ordinary type of paper, I'm not recommending the expensive types of course.


33×10 = 330 pencils

From nursery to Grade 3 there are 33 students with 10 pencils for each student.

330×10 = 3,300.00 pesos


26×10 = 260 pens

From Grade 3 to Grade 6, there are 26 students multiplied with 10 pens for each student.

260×10 = 2,600.00 pesos

So the total amount that we need to provide school supplies for these 59 students is "29,972.00 Pesos."

In every transaction, there should always be recordings so when the prices will change. The Hive community will be the first to learn it because in every action I'm going to make in this project will be documented. I hope I did my best to make you guys understand about the support this school needed in terms of school supplies. Sorry for the format and style, I'm using a mobile phone and I don't know how to use a markdown style. I'm open for recommendations and suggestions.

Thank you for reading

This was my previous post about asking for support for school supplies.


I just did it on my own this time even though I did not receive support.

This was my first ever asking for support.


This was my first sponsorship.


By the way, I am accepting hive/hbd in my store.


All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, you can tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine. Together, let's explore the world by broadening our thoughts. If you need a shoulder I can lean you mine and I hope I can lean yours. The world is fun when living is not being alone but with someone.

You can find me here:

discord - mrnightmare89#2161


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