I never thought, I would love drinking coffee

Drinking coffee was never my thing before. I feel bad in my stomach everytime I drink 3-in-1 coffee of any brand.

In October 2022, I decided to engage in a low-carb diet. A diet where I eliminated all high-carb foods like rice, pasta, macaroni salad, bread, and food with high sugar like cake, ice cream, candies, and soft drinks. I substituted high-carb foods with low-carb foods like green leafy vegetables and eat meat. Usually I am eating foods food like these.

Why did I decide to take this journey? It is because I really want to lose weight. I tried cycling, walking, and running but still, my weight is above 55 kgs. very far from my BMI. Then I saw a friend, a dentist on Facebook who always shares her journey on losing weight, then I get inspired.

The first days were a struggle, your enemy will be yourself. Resisting the foods that you love to eat before was really a battle.

When and why coffee enters the scenario?

In low-carb diet, coffee, tea and calamansi all without sugar is okay. One day, Acer Philippines, sent me a coffee drip I tried it and I like the aroma so much.

I tried drinking pure coffee without any cream mix and sugar. The feeling was different, I didn't feel bad in my stomach.

Then I tried drinking brewed coffee during seminars and sometimes in cafes near our place and I am liking it. Here's one of the cafes that we visited here in our place, it is Blk.9 cafe, I like the presentation and the taste.

I was able to order this before my defense schedule last December.

I love drinking coffee now but not everyday though.

Going back to my low-carb journey, I really see a difference. Now I am 52kgs. and sometimes I cheat with my diet, especially in the holiday season but I am really determined not to go back to the previous weight I had so I control the food I ate.

If you would like to know more about LC diet, I watched Dr. Rojo's video as a reference.

Overall, the LC experience has allowed me to love things I never thought I would be doing before. It taught me discipline and I am happy with the result.

That's all for now, fellow Hivers and let's have a cup of coffee for a anything that you have done well for today!

PS. This is my come back article, after I've been missing in action here in Hive for a month. I missed writing! Indeed.

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