Be Wild But Cool Down at Star Frappe

As the sun went wild with its rays touching each other's tan-skinned bodies, rushing to the store and queuing with the other customers from different places in the North; made us tired and starved.


The day before our school Christmas Party happened, my co-teacher and I decided to buy the needed stuff for the incoming event. We thought of going to Bogo City to complete them and visit one of the tastiest frappé stores in the city called Star Frappé. So, let's get it on.

The Preparation


The first thing we prepared was our list of what to purchase.
After that, we waited for a vehicle via Bogo City. Buses and tricycles are our means of transportation. The fare is just 60 pesos or 1.2$. Whatever comes first would be our channel, where we should head up. In our case, it was the tricycle that passed by.

30 minutes later...


Here we are at RRJ Store. We chose this because they are always on sale. This time they sell three (3) shirts for only 1000 PHP or 17.97$ and women for 4 for 1000 PHP or 17.97$. Sometimes buy 1 take 1 for 50% off. It's good to purchase in the boutique to avail yourself of the low price or markdown. You'll be surprised they're cheaper than those unbranded clothes.☺️


With so much walking, brainstorming, talking, and laughing, plus battling the sun rays, we decided to eat snacks that could diminish our hungry stomachs. It was my co-teacher who chose the store we went to. He told me he likes Star Frappe. So here we go.

Eating Time



Star Frappe

This store is on the second floor beside PNB Bank.
As you can see, they have a terrace where you could make your stay while partaking in your delicious snacks. There's also so much air since it's from above.



The place is small, but they manage to fill the vacant spaces with all the walk-in customers. Every day many of them visit here only to taste their delicious food. We ordered Cheese Reese's Pizza for 165 PHP, one (1) regular cup of Cookies and cream, and two (2) regular cups of dark chocolate frappe for only 69 PHP or 1.24$ each.



While waiting for our orders to come, I took the opportunity to take photos of their interior. It has only a little space, but they manage to suit all the designs and pieces of furniture accordingly.
Their abstract paintings add more aesthetics to the place.

Their comfort room is like in a hotel. It's clean and cozy. I've been here many times. This time, it's even nicer than before.☺️



The long wait is over. Our foods are here.☺️ The aroma of the pizza made us want to grab it right away. It's best if you eat it while it's still hot. Then we started talking about business.😁



Pizza and star frappe are a perfect combination of the sun's hotness.
Proof that they have quality food is they always have consumers, even during the pandemic.


Creating a business is a tough job. It takes a lot of trial and error, feasibility study, and more to market and targets the consumers and customers. The ability to produce quality products at a reasonable price can assure you to stabilize the latter.
Business is not all about money and profit. It is always about putting your heart into it, emphasizing the good employee and employer relationship.

After our conversation ended, we noticed it was time to go home and rest for tomorrow's party.

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